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Battle Manual
12208 Battle_Manual 전투교범

This well written, detailed manual explains effective battle methods.
Account Bound
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 1
Increases the rate of experience gained by 150% for 30 minutes.


These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.

Item information

Sell price 1 zeny
Weight 1
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player no
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart no
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
0 피크쥐 블뤼 포링 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 200 170 Normal 5%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 UGC Token 0.01%
 Pearl Treasure Chest 0.01%
 Battle Manual Box 0.01%
 Adventurer Pack 0.01%
 (null) 0.01%
 Zodiac Diadem Crown Package 0.01%
 Vigorgra Package Vol 2 0.01%
 Vigorgra Package Vol 3 0.01%
 Vigorgra Package Vol 4 0.01%
 Vigorgra Package Vol 5 0.01%
 Vigorgra Package Vol 6 0.01%
 Vigorgra Package Vol 7 0.01%
 Vigorgra Package Vol 8 0.01%
 Start your Journey Pack 0.01%
 Start your Journey Pack 0.01%
 Vigorgra Package Vol 10 0.01%
 Vigorgra Package Vol 11 0.01%
 Vigorgra Package Vol 12 0.01%
 Welcome to Midgard Pack 0.01%
 Hardcore Set Box 0.01%
 Softcore Set Box 0.01%
 Vigorgra Box2 0.01%
 Summer 2013 Gear Box 0.01%
 Candy-Gram Lucky Box 0.01%
 Candy-Gram Lucky Crate 0.01%
 Vigorgra Box5 0.01%
 Vigorgra Box6 0.01%
 Vigorgra Box7 0.01%
 Vigorgra Box8 0.01%
 Start your Journey Pack 0.01%
 Start your Journey Pack 0.01%
 Siege Mode Pack 0.01%
 1 Hour Survival Pack 0.01%
 Weekend Hunting Pack 0.01%
 Weekend Hunting Pack 0.01%
 보너스상자 01 0.01%
 보너스상자 02 0.01%
 보너스상자 03 0.01%
 보너스상자 04 0.01%
 보너스상자 05 0.01%
 보너스상자 06 0.01%
 보너스상자 07 0.01%
 보너스상자 08 0.01%
 보너스상자 01 0.01%
 보너스상자 02 0.01%
 보너스상자 03 0.01%
 보너스상자 04 0.01%
 보너스상자 05 0.01%
 보너스상자 06 0.01%
 보너스상자 07 0.01%
 보너스상자 08 0.01%
 Adventurer Pack 0.01%
 전투교범 10개 상자 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지 10세트 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지Ⅱ 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지 10세트Ⅱ 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지Ⅲ 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지Ⅲ 10세트 0.01%
 Support Package IV 0.01%
 Support Package IV(10) 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지V 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지V 10세트 0.01%
 힘내그라 플러스 패키지 0.01%
 힘내그라 플러스 패키지 10세트 0.01%
 힘내그라 플러스 패키지 II 0.01%
 힘내그라 플러스 패키지 10세트 II 0.01%
 힘내그라 플러스 패키지 III 0.01%
 힘내그라 플러스 패키지 10세트 III 0.01%
 뉴 힘내그라 패키지 0.01%
 뉴 힘내그라 패키지 10세트 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지 10세트 0.01%
 힘내그라 패키지 0.01%
 (한정)전투교범 패키지 상자 0.01%
 월간 전투 교범 패키지 0.01%
 Shiba Says Experience Package 0.01%
 Abrasive 0.1%
 Battle Manual 10 Box 0.1%
 22nd Anniversary Monthly Package I 0.1%
 Ardor Scroll 0.5%
 (null) 0.6%
 은 상자 0.6%
 RWC Gear Set 0.6%
 황금 상자 0.61%
 (null) 0.7%
 Ardor Scroll 0.7%
 Halloween Spooky Pack 0.8%
 Party Hard Pack 0.8%
 (null) 0.8%
 Mystery Travel Sack D 0.8%
 Anniversary Destiny Box 0.9%
 Summer Hat Pack 0.9%
 Kafra Item Mall Prize Package 1%
 Kafra Item Mall Prize Package 1%
 Anniversary Destiny Box 1%
 Episode 13.2 Key Package 1%
 Party Buff Scroll Pack 1%
 (null) 1%
 (null) 1%
 HD Elunium 10 Box 1.15%
 (null) 1.2%
 (null) 1.3%
 Surprise Scroll 1.3%
 RWC 2010 Travel Sack 1 1.3%
 Episode 13.2 Key Package 1.5%
 Summer Hat Pack 1.5%
 Easter Lucky Pack 1.5%
 Cherry Blossom Scroll 1.7%
 Adventurer Pack 2%
 Mouse Scroll 2.1%
 Safe to 7 Chance Box 5%
 Fortune EggⅤ 7%
 New Recruit Pack 8%
 Bossnia Ticket Scroll 1.5%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName ?꾪닾援먮쾾 전투교범
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName ?꾪닾援먮쾾 전투교범
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 전투교범 ?꾪닾援먮쾾
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 전투교범 ?꾪닾援먮쾾
2019-10-25 03:54 unidentifiedDescriptionName This well written,
detailed manual
explains effective
battle methods.
EXP rate increases to
150% for 30 minutes.
Weight: 1
This well written, detailed manual explains effective battle methods.
Account Bound
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 1
Increases the rate of experience gained by 150% for 30 minutes.
2019-10-25 03:54 identifiedDescriptionName This well written,
detailed manual
explains effective
battle methods.
EXP rate increases to
150% for 30 minutes.
Weight : 1
This well written, detailed manual explains effective battle methods.
Account Bound
Class: Stat Boost
Weight: 1
Increases the rate of experience gained by 150% for 30 minutes.
2017-01-23 12:19 unidentifiedResourceName ÀüÅõ±³¹ü 전투교범
2017-01-23 12:19 identifiedResourceName ÀüÅõ±³¹ü 전투교범
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedResourceName 전투교범 ÀüÅõ±³¹ü
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedDescriptionName This well written,
detailed manual
explains effective
battle methods.
EXP rate increases to
150% for 30 minutes.
Weight: 1
This well written,
detailed manual
explains effective
battle methods.
EXP rate increases to
150% for 30 minutes.
Weight: 1
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedResourceName 전투교범 ÀüÅõ±³¹ü
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedDescriptionName This well written,
detailed manual
explains effective
battle methods.
EXP rate increases to
150% for 30 minutes.
Weight : 1
This well written,
detailed manual
explains effective
battle methods.
EXP rate increases to
150% for 30 minutes.
Weight : 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.