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Easter Lucky Pack
12934 Pet_Egg_Scroll5 펫알스크롤5

Easters Lucky Pack, opening this up and get your prize! This item cannot be traded, but can be saved and opened at your leisure!

S Class: Sunglasses [1]
A Class: Party Hard Pack
A Class: Mystical Card Album
A Class: 1000 Marvelous Medals
B Class: Rune Hairband
B Class: 5 Battle Manual X3
B Class: 400 KVM Medals
B Class: Mischievous Fairy Ears
C Class: Taurus Crown
C Class: Taurus Diadem
C Class: 30 HD Elunium
C Class: 30 HD Oridecon
C Class: Magnolia Hat
D Class: Spirit Auger
D Class: Slot Coupon
D Class: MVP Hunt Box
D Class: Party Buff Scroll Pack

Playspan is offering a Pack of 5 Lucky Boxes. That 5x Pack may be traded, but the Individual boxes may not be traded.
Weight : 1

Item information

Sell price 10 zeny
Weight 1
Type Cash
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player no
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart no
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2012-08-09
Name Chance Enchant
1x  Mini Propeller 0.048%
1x  Gray Mage Hat 0.097%
1x  Sunglasses [1] 0.338%
1x  Old Enriched Elunium 0.483%
1x  Old Enriched Elunium 1.304%
1x  Party Hard Pack 1.353%
2x  Battle Manual 1.449%
1000x  Prize Medal 1.691%
2x  Token Of Siegfried 1.932%
1x  Bubble Gum 1.932%
2x  Giant Fly Wing 1.932%
1x  Mischievous Fairy 2.609%
2x  Giant Fly Wing 2.899%
1x  Mystical Card Album 3.382%
400x  KVM Badge 4.348%
5x  Battle Manual X3 4.348%
30x  HD Oridecon 5.314%
1x  Magnolia Hat [1] 5.797%
1x  Taurus Diadem 5.797%
1x  Taurus Crown 5.797%
1x  Rune Hairband [1] 6.087%
30x  HD Elunium 6.28%
1x  Slotting Advertisement 8.696%
1x  Spiritual Auger 8.696%
1x  Party Buff Scroll Pack 8.696%
1x  MVP Hunting Box 8.696%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Playspan 5x Easter Lucky Pack 0.01%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName ?깆뒪?ъ슫?똟ox 성스러운알box
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName ?붿냽?깆븣 암속성알
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 암속성알 ?붿냽?깆븣
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 성스러운알box ?깆뒪?ъ슫?똟ox
2017-01-23 12:19 unidentifiedResourceName ¾Ï¼Ó¼º¾Ë 암속성알
2017-01-23 12:19 identifiedResourceName ¼º½º·¯¿î¾Ëbox 성스러운알box
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedResourceName 암속성알 ¾Ï¼Ó¼º¾Ë
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedDescriptionName A strange looking
Pet Egg Scroll that
might produce a Mini
Propper or White
Wizardry Hat. Cannot
be traded or dropped.
Weight: 1
A strange looking
Pet Egg Scroll that
might produce a Mini
Propper or White
Wizardry Hat. Cannot
be traded or dropped.
Weight: 1
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedResourceName 성스러운알box ¼º½º·¯¿î¾Ëbox
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedDescriptionName Easters Lucky Pack, opening this up and get your prize! This item cannot be traded, but can be saved and opened at your leisure!

S Class: Sunglasses [1]
A Class: Party Hard Pack
A Class: Mystical Card Album
A Class: 1000 Marvelous Medals
B Class: Rune Hairband
B Class: 5 Battle Manual X3
B Class: 400 KVM Medals
B Class: Mischievous Fairy Ears
C Class: Taurus Crown
C Class: Taurus Diadem
C Class: 30 HD Elunium
C Class: 30 HD Oridecon
C Class: Magnolia Hat
D Class: Spirit Auger
D Class: Slot Coupon
D Class: MVP Hunt Box
D Class: Party Buff Scroll Pack

Playspan is offering a Pack of 5 Lucky Boxes. That 5x Pack may be traded, but the Individual boxes may not be traded.
Weight : 1
Easters Lucky Pack, opening this up and get your prize! This item cannot be traded, but can be saved and opened at your leisure!

S Class: Sunglasses [1]
A Class: Party Hard Pack
A Class: Mystical Card Album
A Class: 1000 Marvelous Medals
B Class: Rune Hairband
B Class: 5 Battle Manual X3
B Class: 400 KVM Medals
B Class: Mischievous Fairy Ears
C Class: Taurus Crown
C Class: Taurus Diadem
C Class: 30 HD Elunium
C Class: 30 HD Oridecon
C Class: Magnolia Hat
D Class: Spirit Auger
D Class: Slot Coupon
D Class: MVP Hunt Box
D Class: Party Buff Scroll Pack

Playspan is offering a Pack of 5 Lucky Boxes. That 5x Pack may be traded, but the Individual boxes may not be traded.
Weight : 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.