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Astraea Shoes [1]
22167 Astraea_Shoes

Shoes said to have been worn by a noble being in a distant land.
All basic status + 1
If refine level is +10 or above,
If pure STR is 100 or above, MAX HP & MAX SP +5% (If pure STR is 120 or above, +2% additionally),

If pure INT is 100 or above, Fixed cast time -30% (If pure INT is 120 or above, fixed cast time -0.5 seconds additionally),

If pure VIT is 100 or above, Damage taken from Medium size enemies -10% (If pure VIT is 120 or above, -5% additionally),

If pure AGI is 100 or above, Increases ASPD (delay after attack -8%) (If pure AGI is 120 or above, ASPD +1 additionally),

If pure DEX is 100 or above, Delay after skill -3% (If pure DEX is 120 or above, -2% additionally),

If pure LUK is 100 or above, CRIT +5 (If pure LUK is 120 or above, CRIT +2 additionally, Perfect Dodge +1).
Type : Shoes
Def : 25
Weight : 25
Required Level : 100
Class : All Jobs


These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.

Item information

Sell price -
Weight 25
Type Armor
Subtype Shoes
Location Shoes
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2024-11-19


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This item can be upgraded or enchanted by the following Lapine Upgrade Boxes.

Name Enchant
Unknown item #101277
Date Field Old New
2024-11-19 21:06 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unidentified. Can be identified with Magnifier.
2024-11-19 21:06 unidentifiedResourceName 슈즈
2024-11-19 21:06 unidentifiedDisplayName Shoes
2024-11-19 21:06 weight 25
2024-11-19 21:06 identifiedDisplayName Astraea Shoes
2024-11-19 21:06 identifiedDescriptionName Shoes said to have been worn by a noble being in a distant land.
All basic status + 1
If refine level is +10 or above,
If pure STR is 100 or above, MAX HP & MAX SP +5% (If pure STR is 120 or above, +2% additionally),

If pure INT is 100 or above, Fixed cast time -30% (If pure INT is 120 or above, fixed cast time -0.5 seconds additionally),

If pure VIT is 100 or above, Damage taken from Medium size enemies -10% (If pure VIT is 120 or above, -5% additionally),

If pure AGI is 100 or above, Increases ASPD (delay after attack -8%) (If pure AGI is 120 or above, ASPD +1 additionally),

If pure DEX is 100 or above, Delay after skill -3% (If pure DEX is 120 or above, -2% additionally),

If pure LUK is 100 or above, CRIT +5 (If pure LUK is 120 or above, CRIT +2 additionally, Perfect Dodge +1).
Type : Shoes
Def : 25
Weight : 25
Required Level : 100
Class : All Jobs
2024-11-19 21:06 identifiedResourceName 디바슈즈
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.