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Ninja Suit
2337 Ninja_Suit 닌자슈츠

A suit for assassins that allows the wearer to move more quickly and stealthily.
Class: Armor
Defense: 58
Weight: 150
Requires Level: 50
Usable By: Thief Jobs, Ninja Jobs
Agi + 1
Mdef + 3

Set Bonus
Ninja Suit
Shinobi Sash
Max HP + 300
Reduces the SP cost of skills by 20%.

Item information

Sell price 10 zeny
Weight 150
Type Armor
Subtype Armor
Location Body
Can be refined yes
Can be damaged yes
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
58 Munak 2,002 Undead Undead 1 Medium 77 15 267 261 Normal 0.01%
95 Shinobi 8,087 Human Dark 3 Medium 49 45 365 348 Normal 0.01%
95 Furious Shinobi 40,435 Human Dark 3 Medium 49 45 386 348 0.05%
98 Assassin Eremes 9,029 Human Poison 4 Medium 109 10 376 382 Normal 0.25%
98 Elusive Eremes 45,145 Human Poison 4 Medium 109 10 376 382 25%

Be aware: Sets may not be active on every server! If known, there will be a note.

Name Items Notes Scripts
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Old Blue Box 0.03%
 Old Purple Box 0.07%
 Wrapped Box 0.3%
 카츄아갑옷 13%
 카츄아갑옷 13%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:54 identifiedResourceName ?뚯옄?덉툩 닌자슈츠
2024-09-04 01:54 unidentifiedResourceName 肄뷀듉?붿툩 코튼셔츠
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 닌자슈츠 ?뚯옄?덉툩
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 코튼셔츠 肄뷀듉?붿툩
2018-12-28 03:03 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 150
An unknown item that requires appraisal. It can be identified by using a Magnifier.
2018-12-28 03:03 unidentifiedDisplayName Clothing Armor
2018-12-28 03:03 identifiedDescriptionName A suit for assassins
that allows the wearer
to move more quickly
and stealthily.
Agi +1, MDEF +3
Ninja Shinobi armor set
Ninja Suit
Shinobi Sash
Set bonus +300 HP
-20% SP consumption
Class : Armor
Defense : 58
Weight : 150
Required Level : 50
Jobs: Thief Class & Ninja
A suit for assassins that allows the wearer to move more quickly and stealthily.
Class: Armor
Defense: 58
Weight: 150
Requires Level: 50
Usable By: Thief Jobs, Ninja Jobs
Agi + 1
Mdef + 3

Set Bonus
Ninja Suit
Shinobi Sash
Max HP + 300
Reduces the SP cost of skills by 20%.
2017-08-19 09:02 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 150
Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 150
2017-08-19 09:02 identifiedDescriptionName A suit for assassins
that allows the wearer
to move more quickly
and stealthily.
Agi +1, MDEF +3
Ninja Shinobi armor set
Ninja Suit
Shinobi Sash
Set bonus +300 HP
-20% SP consumption
Class : Armor
Defense : 58
Weight : 150
Required Level : 50
Jobs: Thief Class & Ninja
A suit for assassins
that allows the wearer
to move more quickly
and stealthily.
Agi +1, MDEF +3
Ninja Shinobi armor set
Ninja Suit
Shinobi Sash
Set bonus +300 HP
-20% SP consumption
Class : Armor
Defense : 58
Weight : 150
Required Level : 50
Jobs: Thief Class & Ninja
2017-08-19 08:51 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 150
Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 150
2017-08-19 08:51 identifiedDescriptionName A suit for assassins
that allows the wearer
to move more quickly
and stealthily.
Agi +1, MDEF +3
Ninja Shinobi armor set
Ninja Suit
Shinobi Sash
Set bonus +300 HP
-20% SP consumption
Class : Armor
Defense : 58
Weight : 150
Required Level : 50
Jobs: Thief Class & Ninja
A suit for assassins
that allows the wearer
to move more quickly
and stealthily.
Agi +1, MDEF +3
Ninja Shinobi armor set
Ninja Suit
Shinobi Sash
Set bonus +300 HP
-20% SP consumption
Class : Armor
Defense : 58
Weight : 150
Required Level : 50
Jobs: Thief Class & Ninja
2017-01-23 12:15 unidentifiedResourceName ÄÚÆ°¼ÅÃ÷ 코튼셔츠
2017-01-23 12:15 identifiedResourceName ´ÑÀÚ½´Ã÷ 닌자슈츠
2016-12-23 08:03 unidentifiedResourceName 코튼셔츠 ÄÚÆ°¼ÅÃ÷
2016-12-23 08:03 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 150
Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 150
2016-12-23 08:03 identifiedResourceName 닌자슈츠 ´ÑÀÚ½´Ã÷
2016-12-23 08:03 identifiedDescriptionName A suit for assassins
that allows the wearer
to move more quickly
and stealthily.
Agi +1, MDEF +3
Ninja Shinobi armor set
Ninja Suit
Shinobi Sash
Set bonus +300 HP
-20% SP consumption
Class : Armor
Defense : 58
Weight : 150
Required Level : 50
Jobs: Thief Class & Ninja
A suit for assassins
that allows the wearer
to move more quickly
and stealthily.
Agi +1, MDEF +3
Ninja Shinobi armor set
Ninja Suit
Shinobi Sash
Set bonus +300 HP
-20% SP consumption
Class : Armor
Defense : 58
Weight : 150
Required Level : 50
Jobs: Thief Class & Ninja
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.