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Ancient Cape
2507 Cape_Of_Ancient_Lord 옛영주의망토

A fancy cape said to have once been worn by marquises long ago.
Class: Garment
Defense: 9
Weight: 60
Requires Level: 40
Usable By: All Jobs except Novice Jobs
Agi + 1

Set Bonus
Flattery Robe [1]
Ancient Cape
Max SP + 10%
Flee + 10
For every upgrade level of Flattery Robe [1],
Additional Max SP + 1%.
Additional Flee + 1.

Item information

Sell price 41000 zeny
Weight 60
Type Armor
Subtype Garment
Location Garment
Can be refined yes
Can be damaged yes
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
75 Dracula 350,000 Demon Dark 4 Large 252 146 374 439 Boss 0.4%
96 Dark Lord 1,190,900 Demon Undead 4 Large 330 168 432 459 Boss 0.5%
250 다크 로드 119,090,000 Demon Undead 4 Large 660 324 722 806 Boss 0.5%

Be aware: Sets may not be active on every server! If known, there will be a note.

Name Items Notes Scripts
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Old Blue Box 0.03%
 Old Purple Box 0.07%
 Wrapped Box 0.3%
 카츄아걸칠것 19%
 카츄아걸칠것 19%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:54 identifiedResourceName ?쏆쁺二쇱쓽留앺넗 옛영주의망토
2024-09-04 01:54 unidentifiedResourceName ?꾨뱶 후드
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 후드 ?꾨뱶
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 옛영주의망토 ?쏆쁺二쇱쓽留앺넗
2019-11-21 20:23 identifiedDescriptionName A fancy cape said to have once been worn by marquises long ago.
Class: Garment
Defense: 9
Weight: 60
Requires Level: 40
Usable By: All Jobs except Novice Jobs
Agi + 1
A fancy cape said to have once been worn by marquises long ago.
Class: Garment
Defense: 9
Weight: 60
Requires Level: 40
Usable By: All Jobs except Novice Jobs
Agi + 1

Set Bonus
Flattery Robe [1]
Ancient Cape
Max SP + 10%
Flee + 10
For every upgrade level of Flattery Robe [1],
Additional Max SP + 1%.
Additional Flee + 1.
2019-03-29 03:34 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 60
An unknown item that requires appraisal. It can be identified by using a Magnifier.
2019-03-29 03:34 identifiedDescriptionName A fancy cape said to
have once been worn
by marquises long ago.
Agi + 1
Class : Garment
Defense : 9
Weight : 60
Required Level : 40
Jobs: Every Job
except Novice
A fancy cape said to have once been worn by marquises long ago.
Class: Garment
Defense: 9
Weight: 60
Requires Level: 40
Usable By: All Jobs except Novice Jobs
Agi + 1
2017-08-19 09:02 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 60
Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 60
2017-08-19 09:02 identifiedDescriptionName A fancy cape said to
have once been worn
by marquises long ago.
Agi + 1
Class : Garment
Defense : 9
Weight : 60
Required Level : 40
Jobs: Every Job
except Novice
A fancy cape said to
have once been worn
by marquises long ago.
Agi + 1
Class : Garment
Defense : 9
Weight : 60
Required Level : 40
Jobs: Every Job
except Novice
2017-08-19 08:51 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 60
Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 60
2017-08-19 08:51 identifiedDescriptionName A fancy cape said to
have once been worn
by marquises long ago.
Agi + 1
Class : Garment
Defense : 9
Weight : 60
Required Level : 40
Jobs: Every Job
except Novice
A fancy cape said to
have once been worn
by marquises long ago.
Agi + 1
Class : Garment
Defense : 9
Weight : 60
Required Level : 40
Jobs: Every Job
except Novice
2017-01-23 12:15 unidentifiedResourceName Èĵå 후드
2017-01-23 12:15 identifiedResourceName ¿¾¿µÁÖÀǸÁÅä 옛영주의망토
2016-12-23 08:04 unidentifiedResourceName 후드 Èĵå
2016-12-23 08:04 unidentifiedDescriptionName Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 60
Unknown item
requiring Appraisal.
Can be identified by
using a Magnifier.
Weight: 60
2016-12-23 08:04 identifiedResourceName 옛영주의망토 ¿¾¿µÁÖÀǸÁÅä
2016-12-23 08:04 identifiedDescriptionName A fancy cape said to
have once been worn
by marquises long ago.
Agi + 1
Class : Garment
Defense : 9
Weight : 60
Required Level : 40
Jobs: Every Job
except Novice
A fancy cape said to
have once been worn
by marquises long ago.
Agi + 1
Class : Garment
Defense : 9
Weight : 60
Required Level : 40
Jobs: Every Job
except Novice
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.