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Huge Leaf
7198 Great_Leaf 커다란잎사귀

A huge leaf which can be worn one's head in the rain.
Class: Generic
Weight: 1

Item information

Sell price 228 zeny
Weight 1
Type Etc.
Subtype -
Can be dropped by player yes
Can be traded to another player yes
Can be placed in storage yes
Can be placed in Cart yes
Can be sold to NPC yes
Can be send via mail yes
Can be sold as an auction yes
Can be placed in guild storage yes
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
64 Leaf Cat 2,070 Brute Earth 1 Small 88 16 280 270 Normal 21.83%
64 Leaf Cat Ringleader 10,350 Brute Earth 1 Small 88 16 280 270 100%
67 Wootan Fighter 2,120 Human Fire 2 Medium 103 8 281 299 Normal 5%
67 Furious Wootan Fighter 10,600 Human Fire 2 Medium 103 8 285 299 25%
68 Dryad 2,817 Plant Earth 4 Medium 153 8 282 312 Normal 5%
68 Swift Dryad 14,085 Plant Earth 4 Medium 153 8 282 312 25%
76 Parasite 3,155 Plant Wind 2 Medium 63 30 354 352 Normal 2.5%
76 Solid Parasite 31,550 Plant Wind 2 Medium 63 30 354 352 12.5%
95 Wootan Fighter 9,000 Human Fire 2 Medium 103 8 309 327 Normal 30%
105 Pinguicula 12,747 Plant Earth 3 Medium 46 77 365 352 Normal 10%
105 Pinguicula Ringleader 63,735 Plant Earth 3 Medium 46 77 365 352 50%
109 Dryad 160,000 Plant Earth 4 Medium 182 8 394 434 Normal 5%
113 Pinguicula D 18,092 Plant Poison 2 Medium 59 35 368 375 Normal 10%
113 Solid Dark Pinguicula 180,920 Plant Poison 2 Medium 59 35 368 375 50%
140 Flower Watcher 248,245 Plant Earth 3 Small 200 82 432 434 Normal 10%
143 Flower Watcher 255,483 Plant Poison 2 Small 272 81 436 443 Normal 10%
144 Ancient Tree 388,933 Plant Earth 3 Large 226 37 416 463 Normal 5%
167 Ancient Wootan Fighter 725,500 Human Fire 2 Medium 205 8 482 495 Normal 5%
169 Ancient Wootan Defender 20,154,000 Human Fire 4 Large 874 143 567 554 Boss 5%
190 Senior Dried Rafflesia 2,908,909 Plant Earth 3 Small 292 103 511 499 Normal 10%
193 Senior Special Alnoldi 2,954,324 Plant Poison 2 Medium 283 111 569 554 Normal 10%
262 거센 바람의 작은 정령 21,175,556 Formless Wind 2 Small 260 241 700 684 Normal 25%
262 메마른 바람의 작은 정령 22,810,476 Formless Earth 2 Small 258 238 678 661 Normal 35%
263 거센 바람의 정령 21,719,556 Formless Wind 3 Medium 263 257 705 689 Boss 25%
263 메마른 바람의 정령 23,889,444 Formless Earth 3 Medium 260 241 682 665 Boss 35%
265 오염된 바람의 거대 정령 26,007,004 Formless Neutral 4 Large 275 257 703 697 Boss 25%
265 오염된 바람의 변이 정령 49,852,100 Formless Neutral 4 Large 302 284 750 794 Boss 25%
Monster Egg Food Hunger rate Intimacy Accessory Capture Chance Evolution
Lunatic  Lunatic Egg  Carrot Juice +20 when fed
-4 every 60 seconds
+40 when fed
-20 every 20 seconds while starving
-100 when overfed
-20 when dying
 Silk Ribbon  Rainbow Carrot


Source Recipe Evolutioned
 Lunatic Egg 250x  Clover
30x  Four-Leaf Clover
1x  Leaf Lunatic Card
100x  Huge Leaf
 Leaf Lunatic Egg
Leaf Cat  Leaf Cat Egg  Fish With Blue Back +20 when fed
-7 every 60 seconds
+20 when fed
-20 every 20 seconds while starving
-100 when overfed
-20 when dying
 Green Lucky Bag  Very Soft Plant


Source Recipe Evolutioned
 Leaf Cat Egg 200x  Fish Tail
10x  Leaf Cat Card
500x  Huge Leaf
200x  Black Cat Doll
 Wild Rose Egg
Leaf Lunatic  Leaf Lunatic Egg  Pet Food +1 when fed
-1 every 60 seconds
+1 when fed
-1 every 20 seconds while starving
-1 when overfed
-1 when dying
 Unripe Apple


Source Recipe Evolutioned
 Lunatic Egg 250x  Clover
30x  Four-Leaf Clover
1x  Leaf Lunatic Card
100x  Huge Leaf
 Leaf Lunatic Egg
Unknown monster #21630  Wild Rose Egg  Pet Food +1 when fed
-1 every 60 seconds
+1 when fed
-1 every 20 seconds while starving
-1 when overfed
-1 when dying
 Unripe Apple


Source Recipe Evolutioned
 Leaf Cat Egg 200x  Fish Tail
10x  Leaf Cat Card
500x  Huge Leaf
200x  Black Cat Doll
 Wild Rose Egg
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Old Blue Box 0.14%
 Old Purple Box 0.14%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName 而ㅻ떎?€?롮궗洹€ 커다란잎사귀
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName 而ㅻ떎?€?롮궗洹€ 커다란잎사귀
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 커다란잎사귀 而ㅻ떎?€?롮궗洹€
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 커다란잎사귀 而ㅻ떎?€?롮궗洹€
2018-11-30 02:09 unidentifiedDescriptionName A huge leaf which can be worn on one's head in the rain.
Weight: 1
A huge leaf which can be worn one's head in the rain.
Class: Generic
Weight: 1
2018-11-30 02:09 identifiedDescriptionName A huge leaf which can be worn one's head in the rain.
Weight : 1
A huge leaf which can be worn one's head in the rain.
Class: Generic
Weight: 1
2017-01-23 12:18 identifiedResourceName Ä¿´Ù¶õÀÙ»ç±Í 커다란잎사귀
2017-01-23 12:18 unidentifiedResourceName Ä¿´Ù¶õÀÙ»ç±Í 커다란잎사귀
2016-12-23 08:07 unidentifiedResourceName 커다란잎사귀 Ä¿´Ù¶õÀÙ»ç±Í
2016-12-23 08:07 unidentifiedDescriptionName A huge leaf which can be worn on one's head in the rain.
Weight: 1
A huge leaf which can be worn on one's head in the rain.
Weight: 1
2016-12-23 08:07 identifiedResourceName 커다란잎사귀 Ä¿´Ù¶õÀÙ»ç±Í
2016-12-23 08:07 identifiedDescriptionName A huge leaf which can be worn one's head in the rain.
Weight : 1
A huge leaf which can be worn one's head in the rain.
Weight : 1
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.