Name Weight Type Subtype Server
Absorb Shadow Shield 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Shield bRO cRO dpRO GGH kROM kROS thROG twRO
Absorb Shadow Weapon 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Weapon bRO cRO dpRO GGH kROM kROS thROG twRO
Airship‘s Armor 0 Armor Armor bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Airship's Boots 0 Armor Shoes bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Airship's Cloak [1] 0 Armor Garment bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Angra Manyu 0 Weapon Mace bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Assassin Cross Stone(Upper) 0 Card - cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Automatic Modification Orb (Drain Soul) 0 Card - cRO dpRO dpROS iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Blue Mental Pendant [1] 10 Armor Accessory (Right) bRO cRO dpRO GGH iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Blue Mental Pendant-LT [1] 10 Armor Accessory (Right) dpRO iRO kROM
Classic Kettle Hat Box 60 Armor Headgear cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO
Crown Cinnamoroll Backpack 30 Armor Garment bRO dpRO GGH iRO jRO kROM thROG twRO
Cursed Book [1] 30 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Dracula Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Evil Dragon Armor [1] 400 Armor Armor bRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU
Felrock‘s Armor 75 Armor Armor bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Felrock's Boots 25 Armor Shoes bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Felrock's Cloak [1] 40 Armor Garment bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Guillotine Cross Stone(Garment) 0 Card - cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ice Flower Spell (Drain Soul) 0 Enchant - dpRO kROM twRO
Incubus Egg 0 Armor Pet bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Kagerou Stone(Garment) 0 Card - cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Lord Sakray Card 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Maestro/Wanderer Stone(Garment) 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Mastersmith Stone(Upper) 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Mechanic Stone(Garment) 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Mirage Foxtail [1] 0 Weapon Rod dpRO dpROS jRO
Modification Orb (Drain Soul) 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Nidhoggur's Shadow Garb [1] 40 Armor Garment bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ninja Stone(Lower) 0 Card - cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Officer's Hat [1] 40 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS iRO iROT kROM kROS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Officer's Hat-LT [1] 40 Armor Headgear dpRO kROM thROG twRO
Paladin Stone(Upper) 0 Card - cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Paradise Advanced Cap 0 Armor Headgear dpRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Pirate's Folly [1] 10 Armor Costume Helm bRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT ropEU ropRU
Ranger Stone (Garment) 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Ranger Stone (Lower) 0 Enchant - dpRO iRO kROM twRO
Rideword Hat [1] 30 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
RKC 우승기념 반지 [1] 20 Armor - bRO cRO dpROS kROM kROS kROZ kROZS
Royal Guard Stone(Garment) 0 Card - cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Rune Hairband [1] 40 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Sealed Dracula Card 1 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Shadow Chaser Stone (Upper) 0 Enchant - dpRO iRO kROM twRO
Shadow Chaser Stone II(Garment) 0 Card - cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS thROC thROG twRO vnRO
SP Absorption 1 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
SP Absorption 1 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
SP Absorption 2 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
SP Absorption 2 0 Card - bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROG
SP Absorption(Dual) 0 Enchant - cRO dpRO iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Spiritual Shadow Earring 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Right) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Spiritual Shadow Pendant 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Acc. (Left) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Spiritual Shadow Weapon 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Weapon bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Spiritual Shadow Weapon II 0 Shadow Equipment Shadow Weapon bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Stalker Stone II(Lower) 0 Card - cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Star Emperor Stone (Lower) 0 Enchant - dpRO iRO kROM twRO
Star Emperor Stone(Garment) 0 Card - cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Taekwon Master Stone(Lower) 0 Card - cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO vnRO
Thanatos Axe [1] 400 Weapon Two-handed Axe bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Thanatos Bow [1] 130 Weapon Bow bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Thanatos Dagger [1] 80 Weapon Dagger bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Thanatos Great Sword [1] 130 Weapon Two-handed Sword bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Thanatos Hammer [1] 300 Weapon Mace bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Thanatos Katar [1] 180 Weapon Katar bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Thanatos Knuckle [1] 60 Weapon Fistweapon bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Thanatos Long Spear [1] 300 Weapon Two-handed Spear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Thanatos Spear [1] 300 Weapon Spear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Thanatos Sword [1] 70 Weapon Sword bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Thanatos Violin [1] 200 Weapon Instrument bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Thanatos Whip [1] 220 Weapon Whip bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
The Agony of Thanatos [1] 10 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
The Agony of Thanatos-LT [1] 10 Armor Headgear dpRO iRO kROM
Vampire's Familiar [1] 10 Armor Accessory (Right) bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
Vanargand Helm [1] 150 Armor Headgear bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT jRO ropEU ropRU thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
Wanderer Maestro Stone (Upper) 0 Enchant - dpRO iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Wolf Orb (Drain Soul) 0 Enchant - dpRO iRO kROM kROS thROG twRO
Yao Jun Egg 0 Armor Pet bRO cRO dpRO dpROS GGH iRO iROT kROM kROS kROZ kROZS ropEU ropRU thROG twRO vnRO
강화된 시간의 수호자 모자 0 Armor Costume Helm bRO cRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS thROC thROC thROG twRO vnRO
전사 달고양이 [1] 10 Armor Costume Helm bRO cRO dpROS GGH kROM kROS kROZ kROZS
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.