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Basic Info
21834 Lv. 260
Human Large Poison 4
Primary stats
159 STR 91 AGI 276 VIT
101 INT 377 DEX 110 LUK
Secondary stats
102,355,000 Health 575 Def 100 MDef
2 Range 419 - 419 Attack 361 - 361 MATK
551 Req. Hit 807 Req. Flee
565 Res (-46.84%) 540 Mres (-45.96%)
6.67 Speed (cells/sec)
0.50 Aspd (attacks/sec)


Neutral 100%
Water 125%
Earth 125%
Fire 125%
Wind 125%
Poison 0%
Holy 50%
Dark 50%
Ghost 50%
Undead 0%


No AI available Boss


  • Taking only 1% of the damage dealt to it
Id Name Type Subtype Sell price Drop chance Note
 607 Yggdrasil Berry Consumable Special 2,500z 50%
 608 Yggdrasil Seed Consumable Special 2,500z 50%
 25503 Flower Left by Phantom Etc. - 0z 50%
Level >= % Exp Job Exp
244 40 0 0
245 115 0 0
246 120 0 0
247 125 0 0
248 130 0 0
249 135 0 0
250 140 0 0
251 135 0 0
252 130 0 0
253 125 0 0
254 120 0 0
255 115 0 0
256 110 0 0
257 105 0 0
260 100 0 0
261 100 0 0
266 95 0 0
271 90 0 0
276 85 0 0
281 60 0 0
286 35 0 0
291 10 0 0
 Play  Name


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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.