Imril Spritesheet


Gray Wolf Village (wolfvill)

Title Quickinfo Info
The Labyrinth and the Merchant (1) Go to Oz Labyrinth 1F Let's meet [Imril]oz_dun01,27,184,0,101,0 at the entrance to the first floor of Oz Labyrinth.
Oz Labyrinth 1F (170lv) Explore Oz Labyrinth 1F Let's defeat 20 Ash Toad on the first floor of Oz Labyrinth. Return to [Imril]wolfvill,143,113,0,101,0 when you're done.
[Cooldown] Oz Labyrinth 1F Reset after 20 hours [Imril]wolfvill,143,113,0,101,0 is expecting you to join the expidition on the Oz Labyrinth 1F again tomorrow.
Oz Labyrinth 2F (200lv) Explore Oz Labyrinth 2F Let's defeat 20 Hot Molar on the second floor of Oz Labyrinth. Return to [Imril]wolfvill,143,113,0,101,0 when you're done.
[Cooldown] Oz Labyrinth 2F Reset after 20 hours [Imril]wolfvill,143,113,0,101,0 is expecting you to join the expidition on the Oz Labyrinth 2F again tomorrow.
Title Quickinfo Info
Gray Children (21) Enter Gray Wolf Village I received permission from Suad to enter Gray Wolf Village. Let's talk to [Imril]wolfvill,143,113,0,101,0 in the village.
The Labyrinth and the Merchant (11) Talk to Imril I met the old labyrinth keeper. Let's return to the village and talk to [Imril]wolfvill,143,113,0,101,0 to inform Suad about the investigation.
Oz Labyrinth 1F (170lv) Explore Oz Labyrinth 1F Let's defeat 20 Ash Toad on the first floor of Oz Labyrinth. Return to [Imril]wolfvill,143,113,0,101,0 when you're done.
[Cooldown] Oz Labyrinth 1F Reset after 20 hours [Imril]wolfvill,143,113,0,101,0 is expecting you to join the expidition on the Oz Labyrinth 1F again tomorrow.
Oz Labyrinth 2F (200lv) Explore Oz Labyrinth 2F Let's defeat 20 Hot Molar on the second floor of Oz Labyrinth. Return to [Imril]wolfvill,143,113,0,101,0 when you're done.
[Cooldown] Oz Labyrinth 2F Reset after 20 hours [Imril]wolfvill,143,113,0,101,0 is expecting you to join the expidition on the Oz Labyrinth 2F again tomorrow.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.