Blitz Beat
Blitz Beat
Max Lv : 5
Skill Requirement : Falconly Mastery 1
Skill Form : Active
Type : special physics
Target: 1 Enemy
Description : Commands the Falcon to dive at a single target and strike repeatedly to inflict piercing ranged damage to all enemies in a 3x3 area around the target.
Falcon damage increases with owner's AGI and DEX.
For every 3 points of LUK the chance of auto-cast is increased by 1%.
Falcon has a range equal to 3 cells added to the range of Vulture's Eye skill learned by the caster.

[Lv 1] : Number of consecutive hits: 1times, SP Consumption: 10
[Lv 2] : Number of consecutive hits: 2times, SP Consumption: 13
[Lv 3] : Number of consecutive hits: 3times, SP Consumption: 16
[Lv 4] : Number of consecutive hits: 4times, SP Consumption: 19
[Lv 5] : Number of consecutive hits: 5times, SP Consumption: 22

Skill information

Max level 5
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
SP consumption 10 13 16 19 22
After cast delay 1 sec
Fixed Casttime 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec 0.2 sec
Variable Casttime 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec 0.8 sec
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
180 Serpents 1 180 - 180 180 - 180 0 0 Formless Poison 4 Large 0 0 380 350 Normal
180 무장한 주민 50,000,000 1,860 - 2,660 428 - 572 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 460 430 Normal
180 무장한 주민 50,000,000 1,860 - 2,660 435 - 585 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 460 430 Normal
180 무장한 주민 50,000,000 1,860 - 2,660 435 - 585 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 460 430 Normal
180 차원 도살자 2,145,020 5,770 - 8,441 867 - 1,353 0 0 Demon Dark 2 Medium 270 66 540 510 Normal
181 Spark 2,313,388 3,562 - 5,164 1,409 - 2,350 154,226 107,958 Formless Fire 2 Small 331 107 456 521 Normal
182 저주받은 레이드릭 2,362,114 7,311 - 10,732 2,714 - 4,719 168,722 118,106 Human Dark 2 Medium 665 77 741 743 Normal
182 불안정한 신전 가드 2,325,107 2,678 - 3,861 1,017 - 1,658 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Medium 722 102 517 540 Normal
184 Contaminated Raydric Ar 2,355,718 2,861 - 4,130 874 - 1,403 168,266 117,786 Human Dark 3 Medium 412 101 497 541 Normal
184 Cursed Servant 2,360,625 5,131 - 7,477 1,871 - 3,166 168,616 118,031 Undead Undead 2 Medium 308 76 651 734 Normal
184 정예 하트헌터 2,356,331 2,279 - 3,272 835 - 1,336 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Medium 424 101 505 467 Normal
185 [GM]스모키 20,000 1,485 - 2,085 1,335 - 2,235 0 0 Brute Poison 3 Medium 0 0 386 555 Boss
185 Contaminated Raydric 2,372,683 2,993 - 4,325 830 - 1,325 169,477 118,634 Human Dark 3 Medium 494 101 519 503 Normal
185 Mutating Khalitzburg 2,401,358 8,609 - 12,605 4,282 - 7,553 171,526 120,068 Undead Dark 3 Medium 671 85 774 666 Normal
185 가시 50 186 - 187 186 - 187 0 0 Formless Fire 3 Medium 71 66 386 356 Boss
185 Mutated Khalitzburg 2,401,358 8,609 - 12,605 2,882 - 4,953 0 0 Undead Dark 3 Medium 671 85 774 666 Normal
185 Senior Red Pepper 1,008,398,847 3,402 - 4,929 1,794 - 3,030 3,381,619 2,367,133 Formless Dark 3 Medium 386 113 488 501 Boss
185 Senior Broken Gardener Beta 2,379,158 3,305 - 4,785 1,601 - 2,688 169,940 118,958 Formless Fire 2 Medium 620 111 556 507 Normal
185 Broken Warehouse Manager 1,900,983 3,227 - 4,670 1,514 - 2,535 135,785 95,049 Human Neutral 2 Medium 563 110 483 498 Normal
185 Volcaring 2,361,429 5,586 - 8,149 1,476 - 2,467 157,429 110,200 Formless Fire 3 Small 275 109 472 486 Normal
185 ¾Ö½¬È£ÆÛ 2,361,429 4,104 - 5,963 1,533 - 2,570 157,531 110,272 Insect Dark 4 Small 305 110 489 635 Normal
185 ¾Ö½¬¸µ 2,364,513 3,987 - 5,790 1,919 - 3,251 168,894 118,226 Formless Neutral 2 Small 335 115 479 575 Normal
185 Tumblering 2,361,738 3,695 - 5,360 2,111 - 3,592 157,449 110,214 Plant Poison 2 Small 281 118 496 568 Normal
185 하트헌터 프라임 2,368,675 2,388 - 3,433 955 - 1,548 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Large 416 103 565 535 Normal
185 변절자 슐랑 23,586,543 3,890 - 5,647 1,735 - 2,910 0 0 Demon Ghost 2 Medium 275 115 596 577 Boss
185 슐랑 2,000,000,000 3,890 - 5,647 1,919 - 3,251 0 0 Demon Ghost 2 Medium 275 115 596 577 Boss
185 일그러진 신 2,000,000,000 4,124 - 5,993 1,665 - 2,804 0 0 Angel Holy 2 Medium 456 112 562 541 Boss
185 마람 3,000,000 1,865 - 2,665 440 - 590 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 465 435 Normal
185 미리암 3,000,000 1,865 - 2,665 440 - 590 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 465 435 Normal
185 수아드 10 1,865 - 2,665 440 - 590 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 465 435 Normal
186 Genetic Flamel 3,600,000 4,466 - 6,466 3,986 - 6,986 0 0 Human Fire 4 Medium 260 200 546 756 Boss
186 Minstrel Alphoccio 3,600,000 3,626 - 5,226 4,786 - 8,386 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 240 200 686 656 Boss
186 Wanderer Trentini 3,600,000 3,606 - 5,206 4,786 - 8,386 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 686 656 Boss
186 Genetic Flamel 14,400,000 4,466 - 6,466 3,986 - 6,986 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 260 200 546 756 Boss
186 Minstrel Alphoccio 10,800,000 3,626 - 5,226 4,786 - 8,386 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Wind 4 Medium 240 200 686 656 Boss
186 Wanderer Trentini 10,800,000 3,606 - 5,206 4,786 - 8,386 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 686 656 Boss
186 [PH] Monster Name 2,400,000 4,466 - 6,466 3,986 - 6,986 0 0 Human Fire 4 Medium 260 200 546 756 Boss
186 [PH] Monster Name 1,800,000 3,626 - 5,226 4,786 - 8,386 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 240 200 686 656 Boss
186 [PH] Monster Name 1,800,000 3,606 - 5,206 4,786 - 8,386 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 686 656 Boss
186 Frozen Gargoyle 2,377,139 2,714 - 3,913 1,125 - 1,846 169,796 118,857 Demon Water 3 Medium 333 105 495 534 Normal
186 Prison Breaker 2,375,279 2,871 - 4,145 1,144 - 1,881 169,663 118,764 Human Undead 2 Medium 297 105 457 512 Normal
186 저주받은 레이드릭 아쳐 2,394,654 6,281 - 9,174 4,364 - 7,699 171,047 119,733 Human Dark 2 Medium 417 86 867 932 Normal
186 Cursed Raydric Archer 2,394,654 6,281 - 9,174 2,964 - 5,099 0 0 Human Dark 2 Medium 417 86 867 932 Normal
186 Broken Guard Beta 1,909,523 3,165 - 4,578 1,483 - 2,480 136,395 95,476 Formless Wind 2 Medium 522 110 462 470 Normal
186 Verporte 2,390,934 3,400 - 4,925 1,860 - 3,147 170,781 119,547 Brute Poison 2 Medium 600 115 554 477 Normal
186 Phantom Wolf 2,383,494 4,557 - 6,631 1,376 - 2,291 170,250 119,175 Brute Ghost 2 Medium 456 108 468 644 Normal
186 거짓된 신 23,834,938 4,125 - 5,994 1,662 - 2,797 0 0 Angel Holy 2 Medium 456 112 563 542 Boss
187 Archbishop Margaretha 3,600,000 2,447 - 3,447 5,407 - 9,607 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 320 800 547 657 Boss
187 Warlock Kathryne 2,700,000 2,007 - 2,807 4,787 - 8,387 0 0 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 547 777 Boss
187 Mechanic Howard 4,500,000 4,507 - 6,507 2,407 - 4,207 0 0 Human Earth 4 Medium 400 200 547 617 Boss
187 Archbishop Margaretha 14,400,000 2,447 - 3,447 5,407 - 9,607 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Holy 4 Medium 320 800 547 657 Boss
187 Mechanic Howard 18,000,000 4,507 - 6,507 2,407 - 4,207 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Water 4 Medium 400 200 547 617 Boss
187 Warlock Kathryne 10,800,000 2,007 - 2,807 4,787 - 8,387 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 547 777 Boss
187 [PH] Monster Name 3,000,000 4,507 - 6,507 2,407 - 4,207 0 0 Human Earth 4 Medium 400 200 547 617 Boss
187 [PH] Monster Name 2,400,000 2,447 - 3,447 5,407 - 9,607 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 320 800 547 657 Boss
187 [PH] Monster Name 1,800,000 2,007 - 2,807 4,787 - 8,387 0 0 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 547 777 Boss
187 Corrupted Wanderer 2,387,582 3,654 - 5,299 838 - 1,339 170,542 119,379 Demon Wind 2 Medium 289 102 508 496 Normal
187 Senior Research Assistant Bot 2,398,802 3,358 - 4,863 2,005 - 3,404 171,343 119,940 Formless Neutral 2 Medium 505 117 486 506 Normal
187 Senior Papila Cae 2,405,191 3,181 - 4,602 1,820 - 3,077 171,799 120,260 Insect Water 2 Medium 628 115 568 541 Normal
187 Grey Wolf 2,399,581 4,915 - 7,159 964 - 1,563 171,399 119,979 Brute Neutral 2 Medium 520 104 489 597 Normal
188 Royal Guard Randel 4,500,000 5,388 - 7,788 1,688 - 2,888 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 600 400 548 738 Boss
188 Sorcerer Celia 4,050,000 2,868 - 4,068 3,988 - 6,988 0 0 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 588 598 Boss
188 Sura Chen 3,150,000 6,888 - 10,088 2,548 - 4,348 0 0 Demon Water 4 Medium 360 200 548 758 Boss
188 Shadow Chaser Gertie 3,600,000 6,148 - 8,948 2,038 - 3,538 0 0 Demon Poison 4 Medium 320 200 648 778 Boss
188 Royal Guard Randel 18,000,000 5,389 - 7,789 1,688 - 2,888 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Holy 4 Medium 600 400 548 738 Boss
188 Sorcerer Celia 16,200,000 2,868 - 4,068 3,988 - 6,988 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 588 598 Boss
188 Sura Chen 12,600,000 6,888 - 10,088 2,548 - 4,348 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Water 4 Medium 360 200 548 758 Boss
188 Shadow Chaser Gertie 14,400,000 6,148 - 8,948 2,038 - 3,538 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Poison 4 Medium 320 200 648 778 Boss
188 [PH] Monster Name 3,000,000 5,388 - 7,788 1,688 - 2,888 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 600 400 548 738 Boss
188 [PH] Monster Name 2,700,000 2,868 - 4,068 3,988 - 6,988 0 0 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 588 598 Boss
188 [PH] Monster Name 2,100,000 6,888 - 10,088 2,548 - 4,348 0 0 Demon Water 4 Medium 360 200 548 758 Boss
188 [PH] Monster Name 2,400,000 6,148 - 8,948 2,038 - 3,538 0 0 Demon Poison 4 Medium 320 200 648 778 Boss
188 Rigid Muspellskoll 48,530,254 4,523 - 6,582 2,025 - 3,438 9,706,050 6,794,235 Demon Fire 3 Medium 791 331 520 535 Boss
188 Mutating White Knight 2,450,483 7,415 - 10,846 1,908 - 3,231 175,034 122,524 Undead Dark 3 Large 802 77 617 704 Normal
188 Mutated White Knight 2,450,483 7,415 - 10,846 1,908 - 3,231 0 0 Undead Dark 3 Large 802 77 617 704 Normal
188 Poisonous 2,407,086 3,059 - 4,422 843 - 1,347 171,935 120,354 Formless Ghost 4 Medium 248 68 529 533 Normal
188 Toxious 2,407,556 3,039 - 4,392 823 - 1,312 171,968 120,378 Formless Poison 4 Medium 254 68 531 526 Normal
188 White Porcellio 2,403,326 2,980 - 4,305 921 - 1,485 171,666 120,166 Insect Earth 4 Small 200 69 546 544 Normal
188 Senior Papila 2,409,593 3,297 - 4,773 1,781 - 3,006 172,114 120,480 Insect Dark 2 Medium 467 114 560 490 Normal
188 Firewind Kite 2,407,556 4,742 - 6,904 871 - 1,398 171,968 120,378 Brute Fire 2 Medium 428 103 497 668 Normal
189 Guillotine Cross Eremes 3,150,000 6,889 - 10,089 1,729 - 2,929 0 0 Demon Poison 4 Medium 360 200 769 759 Boss
189 Ranger Cecil 3,150,000 6,049 - 8,849 1,749 - 2,949 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 649 959 Boss
189 Rune Knight Seyren 3,600,000 7,729 - 11,329 3,089 - 5,489 0 0 Demon Fire 4 Medium 800 400 589 759 Boss
189 Guillotine Cross Eremes 12,600,000 6,889 - 10,089 1,729 - 2,929 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Poison 4 Medium 360 200 769 759 Boss
189 Ranger Cecil 12,600,000 6,049 - 8,849 1,749 - 2,949 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 649 959 Boss
189 Rune Knight Seyren 14,400,000 7,729 - 11,329 3,089 - 5,489 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 800 400 589 759 Boss
189 [PH] Monster Name 2,400,000 7,729 - 11,329 3,089 - 5,489 0 0 Demon Fire 4 Medium 800 400 589 759 Boss
189 [PH] Monster Name 2,100,000 6,889 - 10,089 1,729 - 2,929 0 0 Demon Poison 4 Medium 360 200 769 759 Boss
189 [PH] Monster Name 2,100,000 6,049 - 8,849 1,749 - 2,949 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 649 959 Boss
189 [PH] Monster Name 1,316,000 2,731 - 3,914 1,738 - 2,941 193,204 87,729 Formless Wind 1 Large 428 84 620 598 Boss
189 YSF01_Seyren 14,400,000 7,729 - 11,329 3,089 - 5,489 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 800 400 589 759 Boss
189 Ice Ghost 2,418,315 2,438 - 3,506 1,828 - 3,091 172,737 120,916 Demon Water 3 Medium 390 115 492 505 Normal
189 Flame Ghost 2,410,282 2,556 - 3,681 2,025 - 3,438 172,163 120,514 Demon Fire 3 Medium 237 118 488 508 Normal
189 [PH] Monster Name 2,100,000,000 7,729 - 11,329 3,149 - 5,549 50,000 50,000 Formless Poison 4 Large 200 400 649 959 Boss
190 Prime Corruption Root 36,760,359 6,089 - 8,892 4,344 - 7,543 2,625,740 1,838,018 Demon Earth 3 Large 667 98 577 1014 Boss
190 Green Mineral 2,435,702 3,250 - 4,703 722 - 1,133 173,979 121,785 Formless Neutral 4 Large 287 68 531 503 Normal
190 Red Mineral 2,435,702 3,330 - 4,821 712 - 1,115 173,979 121,785 Formless Neutral 4 Large 287 68 524 498 Normal
190 White Mineral 2,436,177 3,310 - 4,792 752 - 1,185 174,013 121,809 Formless Neutral 4 Large 293 68 528 499 Normal
190 Purple Mineral 2,435,543 3,289 - 4,762 732 - 1,151 173,967 121,777 Formless Neutral 4 Large 285 68 512 501 Normal
190 Abyssman 2,428,577 3,410 - 4,939 634 - 976 173,470 121,429 Brute Neutral 4 Large 197 67 519 537 Normal
Name Type Subtype
Unknown item #18196 Weapon Bow
Unknown item #18985 Armor Headgear
Unknown item #29404 - -
Unknown item #29416 - -
Falconer Claw [1] Armor Accessory
Flying Galapago Armor Headgear
Heavens Cage [1] Armor Headgear
Hunter Shadow Shoes Shadow Equipment Shadow Shoes
Paradise Hunter Crossbow Weapon Bow
Yoichi's Muffler [1] Armor Garment

No data available

Date Field Old New
2023-01-13 00:42 description Blitz Beat
MAX Lv : 5
Skill Requirement : Falconly Mastery 1
Skill Form : Active
Type : special physics
Target: 1 Enemy
Description : Commands the Falcon to dive at a single target and strike repeatedly to inflict piercing ranged damage to all enemies in a 3x3 area around the target.
Falcon damage increases with owner's AGI and DEX.
For every 3 points of LUK the chance of auto-cast is increased by 1%.
Falcon has a range equal to 3 cells added to the range of Vulture's Eye skill learned by the caster.

[Lv 1] : Number of consecutive hits: 1times, SP Consumption: 10
[Lv 2] : Number of consecutive hits: 2times, SP Consumption: 13
[Lv 3] : Number of consecutive hits: 3times, SP Consumption: 16
[Lv 4] : Number of consecutive hits: 4times, SP Consumption: 19
[Lv 5] : Number of consecutive hits: 5times, SP Consumption: 22
Blitz Beat
Max Lv : 5
Skill Requirement : Falconly Mastery 1
Skill Form : Active
Type : special physics
Target: 1 Enemy
Description : Commands the Falcon to dive at a single target and strike repeatedly to inflict piercing ranged damage to all enemies in a 3x3 area around the target.
Falcon damage increases with owner's AGI and DEX.
For every 3 points of LUK the chance of auto-cast is increased by 1%.
Falcon has a range equal to 3 cells added to the range of Vulture's Eye skill learned by the caster.

[Lv 1] : Number of consecutive hits: 1times, SP Consumption: 10
[Lv 2] : Number of consecutive hits: 2times, SP Consumption: 13
[Lv 3] : Number of consecutive hits: 3times, SP Consumption: 16
[Lv 4] : Number of consecutive hits: 4times, SP Consumption: 19
[Lv 5] : Number of consecutive hits: 5times, SP Consumption: 22
2020-05-02 05:27 description Blitz Beat
MAX lv : 5
Skill Requirement : Falconly Mastery 1
Skill Form: Offensive
Target: Enemy
Description: Command Falcon to attack
a targeted enemy. Leveling this skill also
increases the chance of automatic attacks from
the Falcon when attacking an enemy with a
Bow Class Weapon. The Falcon's Attack Range
is equal to the level of the Vulture's Eye skill +3.

[Lv 1]:10sp, 1 Hit
[Lv 2]:13sp, 2 Hits
[Lv 3]:16sp, 3 Hits
[Lv 4]:19sp, 4 Hits
[Lv 5]:22sp, 5 Hits
Blitz Beat
MAX Lv : 5
Skill Requirement : Falconly Mastery 1
Skill Form : Active
Type : special physics
Target: 1 Enemy
Description : Commands the Falcon to dive at a single target and strike repeatedly to inflict piercing ranged damage to all enemies in a 3x3 area around the target.
Falcon damage increases with owner's AGI and DEX.
For every 3 points of LUK the chance of auto-cast is increased by 1%.
Falcon has a range equal to 3 cells added to the range of Vulture's Eye skill learned by the caster.

[Lv 1] : Number of consecutive hits: 1times, SP Consumption: 10
[Lv 2] : Number of consecutive hits: 2times, SP Consumption: 13
[Lv 3] : Number of consecutive hits: 3times, SP Consumption: 16
[Lv 4] : Number of consecutive hits: 4times, SP Consumption: 19
[Lv 5] : Number of consecutive hits: 5times, SP Consumption: 22


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Ghostring Card 1 obtained.