Land Mine
Land Mine
Max Lv : 5
Skill Form : Active
Type : Installation
Type : 1 cell on ground
Description : Sets a trap that triggers an explosion from below when an enemy steps on it
inflicting piercing Earth property damage to all enemies within its area of effect. Damage increases upon skill level, user's base level, DEX and INT.
The untapped trap is uninstalled and returned to the inventory after the operating time.

[Lv 1] : Operating time:200sec
[Lv 2] : Operating time:160sec
[Lv 3] : Operating time:120sec
[Lv 4] : Operating time: 80sec
[Lv 5] : Operating time: 40sec

Skill information

Max level 5
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
SP consumption 10 10 10 10 10
After cast delay 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec
Fixed Casttime 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec 1 sec
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
90 Food Storage 750 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Food Depot 750 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Neutrality Flag 650 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Lion Flag 650 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Eagle Flag 650 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Blue Crystal 750 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Pink Crystal 750 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Piamette 3,000,500 1,411 - 2,071 1,029 - 1,749 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Small 56 35 356 404 Boss
90 Piamette 500,500 1,411 - 2,071 1,029 - 1,749 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Small 56 35 356 404 Boss
90 Entweihen Crothen 2,400,500 4,052 - 5,988 2,770 - 4,930 786,500 607,500 Demon Dark 4 Medium 171 66 360 488 Boss
90 Dandelion 552,500 2,775 - 4,117 1,010 - 1,760 24,750 11,250 Human Dark 1 Medium 40 35 356 366 Normal
90 Hiden Priest 240,500 1,235 - 1,807 668 - 1,077 0 0 Demon Undead 4 Large 0 30 322 358 Normal
90 Nihility Zem 200,500 91 - 92 90 - 91 0 0 Insect Earth 1 Small 0 20 291 261 Normal
90 Valkyrie A 5,500 99 - 104 195 - 285 0 0 Angel Holy 3 Medium 16 20 310 284 Normal
90 Valkyrie B 10,500 355 - 487 195 - 285 0 0 Angel Holy 3 Medium 16 40 310 356 Normal
90 Md Octopus 6,000 857 - 1,168 307 - 442 2,000 1,000 Fish Water 2 Small 154 21 381 373 Boss
90 Md Octopus Leg 500,000 857 - 1,168 307 - 442 2,000 1,000 Fish Water 2 Small 154 21 381 373 Boss
90 Arhi 100,000 329 - 424 305 - 448 8,900 4,550 Human Neutral 1 Medium 64 38 340 390 Normal
90 Elusive Pitman 33,585 600 - 817 167 - 203 5,790 15,570 Undead Earth 2 Large 104 48 346 320
90 Elusive Novus 26,285 476 - 632 154 - 189 5,515 15,570 Dragon Neutral 1 Small 95 48 346 368
90 Swift Novus 26,285 476 - 632 154 - 189 5,515 15,570 Dragon Neutral 1 Small 95 48 346 368
90 Solid Novus 52,570 476 - 632 154 - 189 5,515 15,570 Dragon Neutral 1 Small 95 48 346 368
90 Novus Ringleader 26,285 476 - 632 154 - 189 5,515 15,570 Dragon Neutral 1 Small 95 48 346 368
90 Marionette Ringleader 20,445 454 - 610 328 - 442 4,965 16,395 Demon Ghost 3 Small 35 24 369 346
90 로크 엠펠리움 100 143 - 170 149 - 156 0 0 Angel Holy 1 Small 64 50 307 291 Boss
90 로크 오비 아 100,000 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 100 100 291 261 Battle Field
90 로크 오비 프 100,000 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 100 100 291 261 Battle Field
90 로크 오비 은 200,000 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 100 100 291 261 Battle Field
90 로크 토버 아 100,000 4,190 - 6,190 260 - 320 0 0 Formless Neutral 2 Medium 100 100 390 760 Normal
90 로크 토버 프 100,000 4,190 - 6,190 260 - 320 0 0 Formless Neutral 2 Medium 100 100 390 760 Normal
90 Enraged Luwmin 600,000 446 - 606 217 - 253 3,089 2,555 Human Water 3 Medium 40 45 338 324 Boss
90 Ice Giant 105,000 344 - 436 133 - 169 440 380 Formless Water 2 Large 50 20 315 305 Normal
90 타락한 오크 로드 4,011,542 5,197 - 7,704 2,848 - 5,131 488,929 367,912 Human Earth 4 Large 256 92 385 415 Boss
90 [PH] Monster Name 575,000 641 - 861 384 - 579 86,250 43,125 Brute Earth 4 Large 538 187 393 394 Boss
90 GMGuild 30 90 - 90 90 - 90 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 290 260 Battle Field
90 [PH] Monster Name 180,000 770 - 1,070 675 - 1,125 2,000 300 Human Ghost 1 Medium 60 30 350 320 Normal
91 Drake 804,500 2,227 - 3,234 1,180 - 2,021 309,096 208,980 Undead Undead 1 Medium 279 135 394 423 Boss
91 Skeleton Prisoner 8,378 471 - 619 149 - 182 1,342 1,088 Undead Undead 3 Medium 95 41 326 346 Normal
91 Demon Pungus 6,284 420 - 553 174 - 213 1,220 1,149 Demon Poison 3 Small 80 52 352 356 Normal
91 Teddy Bear 6,284 414 - 547 154 - 191 1,220 1,149 Formless Neutral 3 Small 106 39 372 343 Normal
91 Red Eruma 8,029 404 - 523 315 - 489 1,220 1,149 Fish Water 2 Medium 102 102 381 360 Normal
91 Swift Teddy Bear 31,420 467 - 626 154 - 191 6,100 17,235 Formless Neutral 3 Small 106 39 372 343
91 Elusive Red Eruma 40,145 452 - 594 315 - 489 6,100 17,235 Fish Water 2 Medium 102 102 381 360
92 Stormy Knight 630,500 3,002 - 4,394 1,199 - 2,058 248,280 151,100 Formless Wind 4 Large 306 166 457 467 Boss
92 Solider 7,426 505 - 679 135 - 159 1,299 1,167 Brute Earth 2 Medium 206 58 336 318 Normal
92 Owl Duke 7,780 478 - 645 390 - 570 1,238 1,167 Demon Neutral 3 Large 80 45 343 368 Boss
92 Elder 7,780 491 - 658 752 - 1,233 1,238 1,167 Human Neutral 4 Large 72 41 355 368 Normal
92 Enchanted Peach Tree 7,426 516 - 690 182 - 225 1,299 1,167 Plant Earth 2 Medium 109 40 344 354 Normal
92 Old Stove 7,780 500 - 667 164 - 200 1,238 1,167 Formless Neutral 1 Large 100 47 353 329 Normal
92 Breeze 7,073 470 - 621 163 - 194 1,238 1,167 Formless Wind 3 Medium 83 32 393 341 Normal
92 Solid Solider 74,260 574 - 783 135 - 159 6,495 17,505 Brute Earth 2 Medium 206 58 336 318
92 Owl Duke Ringleader 38,900 545 - 744 390 - 570 6,190 17,505 Demon Neutral 3 Large 80 45 343 368
92 Solid Enchanted Peach Tree 74,260 585 - 794 182 - 225 6,495 17,505 Plant Earth 2 Medium 109 40 344 354
92 Breeze Ringleader 35,365 530 - 711 163 - 194 6,190 17,505 Formless Wind 3 Medium 83 32 393 341
92 Furious Breeze 35,365 530 - 711 163 - 194 6,190 17,505 Formless Wind 3 Medium 83 32 423 341
93 Vagabond Wolf 8,203 580 - 787 154 - 181 853 1,300 Brute Earth 1 Medium 102 51 356 371 Boss
93 Deviruchi 7,165 403 - 528 305 - 414 1,256 1,185 Demon Dark 1 Small 72 16 342 382 Normal
93 Boitata 1,283,990 1,335 - 1,886 875 - 1,452 44,573 38,975 Brute Fire 3 Large 32 66 392 383 Boss
93 Solid Deviruchi 71,650 453 - 602 305 - 414 6,280 17,775 Demon Dark 1 Small 72 16 342 382
93 자이언트 초코루치 8,912 154 - 154 178 - 178 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 72 16 342 382 Normal
93 화이트 초코루치 8,912 154 - 154 178 - 178 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 72 16 342 382 Normal
93 자이언트 화이트 초코루치 8,912 154 - 154 178 - 178 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 72 16 342 382 Normal
94 Freezer 8,346 416 - 543 244 - 334 1,274 1,203 Brute Water 2 Medium 127 38 341 333 Normal
94 Lord of the Dead 603,883 4,514 - 6,655 1,596 - 2,773 262,272 172,626 Demon Dark 3 Large 336 73 393 434 Boss
94 Bloody Butterfly 6,896 481 - 640 195 - 236 1,274 1,203 Insect Wind 2 Medium 79 50 362 372 Normal
94 Hatii Baby 10,016 561 - 760 197 - 234 933 874 Brute Water 2 Medium 62 43 355 370 Normal
94 Ungoliant 27,070 1,201 - 1,720 237 - 324 4,100 2,456 Insect Poison 2 Large 108 28 364 374 Normal
94 Freezer 9,990 645 - 886 174 - 204 0 0 Brute Water 2 Medium 68 38 341 323 Boss
94 Leak 1,266,000 3,194 - 4,683 1,077 - 1,848 236,400 150,060 Demon Dark 2 Large 280 128 419 450 Boss
94 Ungoliant Ringleader 135,350 1,409 - 2,031 237 - 324 20,500 36,840 Insect Poison 2 Large 108 28 364 374
94 Solid Freezer 83,460 466 - 619 244 - 334 6,370 18,045 Brute Water 2 Medium 127 38 341 333
94 Freezer Ringleader 41,730 466 - 619 244 - 334 6,370 18,045 Brute Water 2 Medium 127 38 341 333
94 Swift Bloody Butterfly 34,480 544 - 735 195 - 236 6,370 18,045 Insect Wind 2 Medium 79 50 362 372
94 하수도둑벌레 8,346 389 - 514 201 - 292 1,274 1,203 Insect Neutral 3 Small 33 3 371 339 Normal
95 Injustice 8,087 464 - 611 241 - 310 1,292 1,221 Undead Dark 2 Medium 76 31 354 353 Normal
95 Shinobi 8,087 458 - 605 160 - 191 1,292 1,221 Human Dark 3 Medium 49 45 365 348 Normal
95 Anopheles 6,617 451 - 598 165 - 176 1,292 1,221 Insect Wind 3 Small 7 10 355 371 Normal
95 Roween 6,617 489 - 652 164 - 185 1,292 1,221 Brute Wind 1 Medium 73 33 377 373 Normal
95 Stapo 6,984 455 - 626 165 - 196 1,356 1,221 Formless Earth 2 Small 129 36 341 329 Normal
95 S Hornet 5,000 461 - 614 239 - 306 0 0 Insect Wind 1 Small 7 1 349 341 Normal
95 Md Vadon 120,000 862 - 1,173 312 - 447 750 750 Fish Water 1 Small 154 21 386 378 Boss
95 Md Marse 120,000 628 - 828 825 - 1,317 750 750 Fish Water 2 Small 58 218 332 398 Boss
95 Md Crab 120,000 773 - 1,052 295 - 436 750 750 Fish Water 1 Small 136 15 349 363 Boss
95 Md Giant Octopus 500,000 1,760 - 2,520 995 - 1,715 20,000 10,000 Fish Water 2 Large 154 21 386 378 Boss
95 Wild Rider 33,300 1,240 - 1,768 381 - 580 4,150 1,650 Fish Water 2 Large 480 22 419 377 Boss
95 Wootan Fighter 9,000 362 - 464 125 - 146 1,400 2,000 Human Fire 2 Medium 103 8 309 327 Normal
95 Increase Soil 20,000 454 - 600 165 - 183 1,400 2,000 Formless Earth 3 Medium 112 39 318 359 Normal
95 Dio anemos 200,000 478 - 649 475 - 732 9,440 4,430 Human Neutral 1 Medium 129 18 335 395 Normal
95 Stapo Ringleader 34,920 523 - 728 165 - 196 6,780 18,315 Formless Earth 2 Small 129 36 341 329
95 Furious Shinobi 40,435 517 - 692 160 - 191 6,460 18,315 Human Dark 3 Medium 49 45 386 348
95 Solid Roween 66,170 554 - 749 164 - 185 6,460 18,315 Brute Wind 1 Medium 73 33 377 373
95 Furious Injustice 40,435 523 - 698 241 - 310 6,460 18,315 Undead Dark 2 Medium 76 31 371 353
96 Dark Lord 1,190,900 3,362 - 4,936 2,047 - 3,598 428,544 279,000 Demon Undead 4 Large 330 168 432 459 Boss
96 Dark Illusion 46,255 1,110 - 1,577 447 - 664 4,954 4,549 Demon Undead 4 Large 145 30 332 448 Boss
96 Taoist Hermit 9,727 523 - 706 177 - 195 1,311 1,240 Formless Neutral 2 Large 66 46 353 385 Normal
96 Mineral 7,959 465 - 614 185 - 220 1,311 1,240 Formless Neutral 2 Small 127 23 357 340 Normal
96 Solid Mineral 79,590 524 - 703 185 - 220 6,555 18,600 Formless Neutral 2 Small 127 23 357 340
96 Mineral 8,300 766 - 1,067 185 - 220 401 506 Formless Neutral 2 Small 127 23 357 340 Normal
96 Taoist Hermit 8,266 647 - 892 177 - 195 451 281 Formless Neutral 2 Large 66 46 353 385 Normal
96 하수촌촌 7,959 428 - 577 136 - 171 1,311 1,240 Insect Wind 1 Small 66 72 370 321 Normal
Name Type Subtype
Hunter Shadow Armor Shadow Equipment Shadow Armor

No data available


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Date Field Old New
2023-01-13 00:42 description Land Mine
MAX Lv : 5
Skill Form : Active
Type : Installation
Type : 1 cell on ground
Description : Sets a trap that triggers an explosion from below when an enemy steps on it
inflicting piercing Earth property damage to all enemies within its area of effect. Damage increases upon skill level, user's base level, DEX and INT.
The untapped trap is uninstalled and returned to the inventory after the operating time.

[Lv 1] : Operating time:200sec
[Lv 2] : Operating time:160sec
[Lv 3] : Operating time:120sec
[Lv 4] : Operating time: 80sec
[Lv 5] : Operating time: 40sec
Land Mine
Max Lv : 5
Skill Form : Active
Type : Installation
Type : 1 cell on ground
Description : Sets a trap that triggers an explosion from below when an enemy steps on it
inflicting piercing Earth property damage to all enemies within its area of effect. Damage increases upon skill level, user's base level, DEX and INT.
The untapped trap is uninstalled and returned to the inventory after the operating time.

[Lv 1] : Operating time:200sec
[Lv 2] : Operating time:160sec
[Lv 3] : Operating time:120sec
[Lv 4] : Operating time: 80sec
[Lv 5] : Operating time: 40sec
2020-05-02 05:27 description Land Mine
MAX Lv : 5
Skill Form: Hidden Trap
Target: Ground
Description: Set a trap which will
explode once an enemy steps on it.
Each cast requires 1 Trap.
[Lv 1]: Atk 50%, 65 sec duration
[Lv 2]: Atk 75%, 50 sec duration
[Lv 3]: Atk 100%, 35 sec duration
[Lv 4]: Atk 125%, 20 sec duration
[Lv 5]: Atk 150%, 5 sec duration
Land Mine
MAX Lv : 5
Skill Form : Active
Type : Installation
Type : 1 cell on ground
Description : Sets a trap that triggers an explosion from below when an enemy steps on it
inflicting piercing Earth property damage to all enemies within its area of effect. Damage increases upon skill level, user's base level, DEX and INT.
The untapped trap is uninstalled and returned to the inventory after the operating time.

[Lv 1] : Operating time:200sec
[Lv 2] : Operating time:160sec
[Lv 3] : Operating time:120sec
[Lv 4] : Operating time: 80sec
[Lv 5] : Operating time: 40sec
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.