Beast Charge
Beast Charge
Skill Requirement : Double Strafe 10,
Spirit State

Skill Form: Aggressive
Target: Enemy
Description: Attack by using a modified form of
Double Strafe that was developed to cause extra
damage to Brute monsters. Caster's STR affects
the amount of inflicted damage.

Skill information

Max level 1
Level 1
SP consumption 12
After cast delay 0.1 sec
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
180 Corrupted Soul 18,200,000 6,600 - 9,709 5,822 - 10,487 2,199,906 2,209,324 Demon Earth 3 Large 333 333 400 551 Boss
180 Contaminated Sting 2,297,907 3,467 - 5,024 894 - 1,441 164,136 114,895 Formless Earth 3 Medium 276 100 478 520 Normal
180 Unknown Swordsman 75,500,000 4,836 - 7,070 2,094 - 3,613 5,885,540 4,780,000 Human Fire 2 Medium 585 235 557 628 Boss
180 Cursed Butler 2,306,607 4,132 - 6,004 1,947 - 3,300 168,616 118,031 Undead Undead 2 Medium 308 76 601 671 Normal
180 저택 관리자 알파 1,847,205 3,125 - 4,520 1,383 - 2,304 131,943 92,360 Human Neutral 2 Medium 498 106 489 482 Normal
180 Child Admin Alpha 180 198 - 202 197 - 203 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 10 10 390 360 Normal
180 Ardor 1 180 - 180 180 - 180 0 0 Formless Fire 4 Large 0 0 380 350 Normal
180 Procella 1 180 - 180 180 - 180 0 0 Formless Wind 4 Large 0 0 380 350 Normal
180 Terremotus 1 180 - 180 180 - 180 0 0 Formless Earth 4 Large 0 0 380 350 Normal
180 Serpents 1 180 - 180 180 - 180 0 0 Formless Poison 4 Large 0 0 380 350 Normal
180 무장한 주민 50,000,000 1,860 - 2,660 428 - 572 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 460 430 Normal
180 무장한 주민 50,000,000 1,860 - 2,660 435 - 585 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 460 430 Normal
180 무장한 주민 50,000,000 1,860 - 2,660 435 - 585 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 460 430 Normal
180 차원 도살자 2,145,020 5,770 - 8,441 867 - 1,353 0 0 Demon Dark 2 Medium 270 66 540 510 Normal
181 Spark 2,313,388 3,562 - 5,164 1,409 - 2,350 154,226 107,958 Formless Fire 2 Small 331 107 456 521 Normal
182 저주받은 레이드릭 2,362,114 7,311 - 10,732 2,714 - 4,719 168,722 118,106 Human Dark 2 Medium 665 77 741 743 Normal
182 Renegade Guard 2,325,107 2,678 - 3,861 1,017 - 1,658 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Medium 722 102 517 540 Normal
184 Contaminated Raydric Ar 2,355,718 2,861 - 4,130 874 - 1,403 168,266 117,786 Human Dark 3 Medium 412 101 497 541 Normal
184 Cursed Servant 2,360,625 5,131 - 7,477 1,871 - 3,166 168,616 118,031 Undead Undead 2 Medium 308 76 651 734 Normal
184 Heart Hunter 2,356,331 2,279 - 3,272 835 - 1,336 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Medium 424 101 505 467 Normal
185 [GM]스모키 20,000 1,485 - 2,085 1,335 - 2,235 0 0 Brute Poison 3 Medium 0 0 386 555 Boss
185 Contaminated Raydric 2,372,683 2,993 - 4,325 830 - 1,325 169,477 118,634 Human Dark 3 Medium 494 101 519 503 Normal
185 Mutating Khalitzburg 2,401,358 8,609 - 12,605 4,282 - 7,553 171,526 120,068 Undead Dark 3 Medium 671 85 774 666 Normal
185 가시 50 186 - 187 186 - 187 0 0 Formless Fire 3 Medium 71 66 386 356 Boss
185 Mutated Khalitzburg 2,401,358 8,609 - 12,605 2,882 - 4,953 0 0 Undead Dark 3 Medium 671 85 774 666 Normal
185 Senior Red Pepper 1,008,398,847 3,402 - 4,929 1,794 - 3,030 3,381,619 2,367,133 Formless Dark 3 Medium 386 113 488 501 Boss
185 Senior Broken Gardener Beta 2,379,158 3,305 - 4,785 1,601 - 2,688 169,940 118,958 Formless Fire 2 Medium 620 111 556 507 Normal
185 Broken Warehouse Manager 1,900,983 3,227 - 4,670 1,514 - 2,535 135,785 95,049 Human Neutral 2 Medium 563 110 483 498 Normal
185 Volcaring 2,361,429 5,586 - 8,149 1,476 - 2,467 157,429 110,200 Formless Fire 3 Small 275 109 472 486 Normal
185 ¾Ö½¬È£ÆÛ 2,361,429 4,104 - 5,963 1,533 - 2,570 157,531 110,272 Insect Dark 4 Small 305 110 489 635 Normal
185 ¾Ö½¬¸µ 2,364,513 3,987 - 5,790 1,919 - 3,251 168,894 118,226 Formless Neutral 2 Small 335 115 479 575 Normal
185 Tumblering 2,361,738 3,695 - 5,360 2,111 - 3,592 157,449 110,214 Plant Poison 2 Small 281 118 496 568 Normal
185 Resonator 2,368,675 2,388 - 3,433 955 - 1,548 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Large 416 103 565 535 Normal
185 Schulang 23,586,543 3,890 - 5,647 1,735 - 2,910 0 0 Demon Ghost 2 Medium 275 115 596 577 Boss
185 슐랑 2,000,000,000 3,890 - 5,647 1,919 - 3,251 0 0 Demon Ghost 2 Medium 275 115 596 577 Boss
185 일그러진 신 2,000,000,000 4,124 - 5,993 1,665 - 2,804 0 0 Angel Holy 2 Medium 456 112 562 541 Boss
185 마람 3,000,000 1,865 - 2,665 440 - 590 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 465 435 Normal
185 미리암 3,000,000 1,865 - 2,665 440 - 590 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 465 435 Normal
185 수아드 10 1,865 - 2,665 440 - 590 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 465 435 Normal
186 Genetic Flamel 3,600,000 4,466 - 6,466 3,986 - 6,986 0 0 Human Fire 4 Medium 260 200 546 756 Boss
186 Minstrel Alphoccio 3,600,000 3,626 - 5,226 4,786 - 8,386 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 240 200 686 656 Boss
186 Wanderer Trentini 3,600,000 3,606 - 5,206 4,786 - 8,386 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 686 656 Boss
186 Genetic Flamel 14,400,000 4,466 - 6,466 3,986 - 6,986 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 260 200 546 756 Boss
186 Minstrel Alphoccio 10,800,000 3,626 - 5,226 4,786 - 8,386 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Wind 4 Medium 240 200 686 656 Boss
186 Wanderer Trentini 10,800,000 3,606 - 5,206 4,786 - 8,386 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 686 656 Boss
186 [PH] Monster Name 2,400,000 4,466 - 6,466 3,986 - 6,986 0 0 Human Fire 4 Medium 260 200 546 756 Boss
186 [PH] Monster Name 1,800,000 3,626 - 5,226 4,786 - 8,386 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 240 200 686 656 Boss
186 [PH] Monster Name 1,800,000 3,606 - 5,206 4,786 - 8,386 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 686 656 Boss
186 Frozen Gargoyle 2,377,139 2,714 - 3,913 1,125 - 1,846 169,796 118,857 Demon Water 3 Medium 333 105 495 534 Normal
186 Prison Breaker 2,375,279 2,871 - 4,145 1,144 - 1,881 169,663 118,764 Human Undead 2 Medium 297 105 457 512 Normal
186 저주받은 레이드릭 아쳐 2,394,654 6,281 - 9,174 4,364 - 7,699 171,047 119,733 Human Dark 2 Medium 417 86 867 932 Normal
186 Cursed Raydric Archer 2,394,654 6,281 - 9,174 2,964 - 5,099 0 0 Human Dark 2 Medium 417 86 867 932 Normal
186 Broken Guard Beta 1,909,523 3,165 - 4,578 1,483 - 2,480 136,395 95,476 Formless Wind 2 Medium 522 110 462 470 Normal
186 Verporte 2,390,934 3,400 - 4,925 1,860 - 3,147 170,781 119,547 Brute Poison 2 Medium 600 115 554 477 Normal
186 Phantom Wolf 2,383,494 4,557 - 6,631 1,376 - 2,291 170,250 119,175 Brute Ghost 2 Medium 456 108 468 644 Normal
186 Twisted God 23,834,938 4,125 - 5,994 1,662 - 2,797 0 0 Angel Holy 2 Medium 456 112 563 542 Boss
187 Archbishop Margaretha 3,600,000 2,447 - 3,447 5,407 - 9,607 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 320 800 547 657 Boss
187 Warlock Kathryne 2,700,000 2,007 - 2,807 4,787 - 8,387 0 0 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 547 777 Boss
187 Mechanic Howard 4,500,000 4,507 - 6,507 2,407 - 4,207 0 0 Human Earth 4 Medium 400 200 547 617 Boss
187 Archbishop Margaretha 14,400,000 2,447 - 3,447 5,407 - 9,607 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Holy 4 Medium 320 800 547 657 Boss
187 Mechanic Howard 18,000,000 4,507 - 6,507 2,407 - 4,207 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Water 4 Medium 400 200 547 617 Boss
187 Warlock Kathryne 10,800,000 2,007 - 2,807 4,787 - 8,387 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 547 777 Boss
187 [PH] Monster Name 3,000,000 4,507 - 6,507 2,407 - 4,207 0 0 Human Earth 4 Medium 400 200 547 617 Boss
187 [PH] Monster Name 2,400,000 2,447 - 3,447 5,407 - 9,607 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 320 800 547 657 Boss
187 [PH] Monster Name 1,800,000 2,007 - 2,807 4,787 - 8,387 0 0 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 547 777 Boss
187 Corrupted Wanderer 2,387,582 3,654 - 5,299 838 - 1,339 170,542 119,379 Demon Wind 2 Medium 289 102 508 496 Normal
187 Senior Research Assistant Bot 2,398,802 3,358 - 4,863 2,005 - 3,404 171,343 119,940 Formless Neutral 2 Medium 505 117 486 506 Normal
187 Senior Papila Cae 2,405,191 3,181 - 4,602 1,820 - 3,077 171,799 120,260 Insect Water 2 Medium 628 115 568 541 Normal
187 Grey Wolf 2,399,581 4,915 - 7,159 964 - 1,563 171,399 119,979 Brute Neutral 2 Medium 520 104 489 597 Normal
188 Royal Guard Randel 4,500,000 5,388 - 7,788 1,688 - 2,888 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 600 400 548 738 Boss
188 Sorcerer Celia 4,050,000 2,868 - 4,068 3,988 - 6,988 0 0 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 588 598 Boss
188 Sura Chen 3,150,000 6,888 - 10,088 2,548 - 4,348 0 0 Demon Water 4 Medium 360 200 548 758 Boss
188 Shadow Chaser Gertie 3,600,000 6,148 - 8,948 2,038 - 3,538 0 0 Demon Poison 4 Medium 320 200 648 778 Boss
188 Royal Guard Randel 18,000,000 5,389 - 7,789 1,688 - 2,888 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Holy 4 Medium 600 400 548 738 Boss
188 Sorcerer Celia 16,200,000 2,868 - 4,068 3,988 - 6,988 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 588 598 Boss
188 Sura Chen 12,600,000 6,888 - 10,088 2,548 - 4,348 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Water 4 Medium 360 200 548 758 Boss
188 Shadow Chaser Gertie 14,400,000 6,148 - 8,948 2,038 - 3,538 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Poison 4 Medium 320 200 648 778 Boss
188 [PH] Monster Name 3,000,000 5,388 - 7,788 1,688 - 2,888 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 600 400 548 738 Boss
188 [PH] Monster Name 2,700,000 2,868 - 4,068 3,988 - 6,988 0 0 Human Ghost 4 Medium 220 800 588 598 Boss
188 [PH] Monster Name 2,100,000 6,888 - 10,088 2,548 - 4,348 0 0 Demon Water 4 Medium 360 200 548 758 Boss
188 [PH] Monster Name 2,400,000 6,148 - 8,948 2,038 - 3,538 0 0 Demon Poison 4 Medium 320 200 648 778 Boss
188 Rigid Muspellskoll 48,530,254 4,523 - 6,582 2,025 - 3,438 9,706,050 6,794,235 Demon Fire 3 Medium 791 331 520 535 Boss
188 Mutating White Knight 2,450,483 7,415 - 10,846 1,908 - 3,231 175,034 122,524 Undead Dark 3 Large 802 77 617 704 Normal
188 Mutated White Knight 2,450,483 7,415 - 10,846 1,908 - 3,231 0 0 Undead Dark 3 Large 802 77 617 704 Normal
188 Poisonous 2,407,086 3,059 - 4,422 843 - 1,347 171,935 120,354 Formless Ghost 4 Medium 248 68 529 533 Normal
188 Toxious 2,407,556 3,039 - 4,392 823 - 1,312 171,968 120,378 Formless Poison 4 Medium 254 68 531 526 Normal
188 White Porcellio 2,403,326 2,980 - 4,305 921 - 1,485 171,666 120,166 Insect Earth 4 Small 200 69 546 544 Normal
188 Senior Papila 2,409,593 3,297 - 4,773 1,781 - 3,006 172,114 120,480 Insect Dark 2 Medium 467 114 560 490 Normal
188 Firewind Kite 2,407,556 4,742 - 6,904 871 - 1,398 171,968 120,378 Brute Fire 2 Medium 428 103 497 668 Normal
189 Guillotine Cross Eremes 3,150,000 6,889 - 10,089 1,729 - 2,929 0 0 Demon Poison 4 Medium 360 200 769 759 Boss
189 Ranger Cecil 3,150,000 6,049 - 8,849 1,749 - 2,949 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 649 959 Boss
189 Rune Knight Seyren 3,600,000 7,729 - 11,329 3,089 - 5,489 0 0 Demon Fire 4 Medium 800 400 589 759 Boss
189 Guillotine Cross Eremes 12,600,000 6,889 - 10,089 1,729 - 2,929 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Poison 4 Medium 360 200 769 759 Boss
189 Ranger Cecil 12,600,000 6,049 - 8,849 1,749 - 2,949 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 649 959 Boss
189 Rune Knight Seyren 14,400,000 7,729 - 11,329 3,089 - 5,489 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 800 400 589 759 Boss
189 [PH] Monster Name 2,400,000 7,729 - 11,329 3,089 - 5,489 0 0 Demon Fire 4 Medium 800 400 589 759 Boss
189 [PH] Monster Name 2,100,000 6,889 - 10,089 1,729 - 2,929 0 0 Demon Poison 4 Medium 360 200 769 759 Boss
189 [PH] Monster Name 2,100,000 6,049 - 8,849 1,749 - 2,949 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 649 959 Boss
189 [PH] Monster Name 1,316,000 2,731 - 3,914 1,738 - 2,941 193,204 87,729 Formless Wind 1 Large 428 84 620 598 Boss
189 YSF01_Seyren 14,400,000 7,729 - 11,329 3,089 - 5,489 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 800 400 589 759 Boss

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