Max Lv : 1
Skill Requirement : Acceleration 1
Skill Form : Active / Buff
Description : Make Madogear hover over the ground to escape traps and any other magic attacks. A Hovering Booster must be equiped to cast and consumes 1 Magic Gear Fuel.
[Lv 1] : Skill Duration 90 sec.

Skill information

Max level 1
Level 1
SP consumption 25
Data 1 90000
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
90 Food Storage 750 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Food Depot 750 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Neutrality Flag 650 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Lion Flag 650 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Eagle Flag 650 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Blue Crystal 750 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Pink Crystal 750 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 160 99 291 261 Battle Field
90 Piamette 3,000,500 1,411 - 2,071 1,029 - 1,749 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Small 56 35 356 404 Boss
90 Piamette 500,500 1,411 - 2,071 1,029 - 1,749 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Small 56 35 356 404 Boss
90 Entweihen Crothen 2,400,500 4,052 - 5,988 2,770 - 4,930 786,500 607,500 Demon Dark 4 Medium 171 66 360 488 Boss
90 Dandelion 552,500 2,775 - 4,117 1,010 - 1,760 24,750 11,250 Human Dark 1 Medium 40 35 356 366 Normal
90 Hiden Priest 240,500 1,235 - 1,807 668 - 1,077 0 0 Demon Undead 4 Large 0 30 322 358 Normal
90 Nihility Zem 200,500 91 - 92 90 - 91 0 0 Insect Earth 1 Small 0 20 291 261 Normal
90 Valkyrie A 5,500 99 - 104 195 - 285 0 0 Angel Holy 3 Medium 16 20 310 284 Normal
90 Valkyrie B 10,500 355 - 487 195 - 285 0 0 Angel Holy 3 Medium 16 40 310 356 Normal
90 Md Octopus 6,000 857 - 1,168 307 - 442 2,000 1,000 Fish Water 2 Small 154 21 381 373 Boss
90 Md Octopus Leg 500,000 857 - 1,168 307 - 442 2,000 1,000 Fish Water 2 Small 154 21 381 373 Boss
90 Arhi 100,000 329 - 424 305 - 448 8,900 4,550 Human Neutral 1 Medium 64 38 340 390 Normal
90 Elusive Pitman 33,585 600 - 817 167 - 203 5,790 15,570 Undead Earth 2 Large 104 48 346 320
90 Elusive Novus 26,285 476 - 632 154 - 189 5,515 15,570 Dragon Neutral 1 Small 95 48 346 368
90 Swift Novus 26,285 476 - 632 154 - 189 5,515 15,570 Dragon Neutral 1 Small 95 48 346 368
90 Solid Novus 52,570 476 - 632 154 - 189 5,515 15,570 Dragon Neutral 1 Small 95 48 346 368
90 Novus Ringleader 26,285 476 - 632 154 - 189 5,515 15,570 Dragon Neutral 1 Small 95 48 346 368
90 Marionette Ringleader 20,445 454 - 610 328 - 442 4,965 16,395 Demon Ghost 3 Small 35 24 369 346
90 로크 엠펠리움 100 143 - 170 149 - 156 0 0 Angel Holy 1 Small 64 50 307 291 Boss
90 로크 오비 아 100,000 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 100 100 291 261 Battle Field
90 로크 오비 프 100,000 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 100 100 291 261 Battle Field
90 로크 오비 은 200,000 91 - 92 91 - 92 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Large 100 100 291 261 Battle Field
90 로크 토버 아 100,000 4,190 - 6,190 260 - 320 0 0 Formless Neutral 2 Medium 100 100 390 760 Normal
90 로크 토버 프 100,000 4,190 - 6,190 260 - 320 0 0 Formless Neutral 2 Medium 100 100 390 760 Normal
90 Enraged Luwmin 600,000 446 - 606 217 - 253 3,089 2,555 Human Water 3 Medium 40 45 338 324 Boss
90 Ice Giant 105,000 344 - 436 133 - 169 440 380 Formless Water 2 Large 50 20 315 305 Normal
90 타락한 오크 로드 4,011,542 5,197 - 7,704 2,848 - 5,131 488,929 367,912 Human Earth 4 Large 256 92 385 415 Boss
90 [PH] Monster Name 575,000 641 - 861 384 - 579 86,250 43,125 Brute Earth 4 Large 538 187 393 394 Boss
90 GMGuild 30 90 - 90 90 - 90 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 290 260 Battle Field
90 [PH] Monster Name 180,000 770 - 1,070 675 - 1,125 2,000 300 Human Ghost 1 Medium 60 30 350 320 Normal
91 Drake 804,500 2,227 - 3,234 1,180 - 2,021 309,096 208,980 Undead Undead 1 Medium 279 135 394 423 Boss
91 Skeleton Prisoner 8,378 471 - 619 149 - 182 1,342 1,088 Undead Undead 3 Medium 95 41 326 346 Normal
91 Demon Pungus 6,284 420 - 553 174 - 213 1,220 1,149 Demon Poison 3 Small 80 52 352 356 Normal
91 Teddy Bear 6,284 414 - 547 154 - 191 1,220 1,149 Formless Neutral 3 Small 106 39 372 343 Normal
91 Red Eruma 8,029 404 - 523 315 - 489 1,220 1,149 Fish Water 2 Medium 102 102 381 360 Normal
91 Swift Teddy Bear 31,420 467 - 626 154 - 191 6,100 17,235 Formless Neutral 3 Small 106 39 372 343
91 Elusive Red Eruma 40,145 452 - 594 315 - 489 6,100 17,235 Fish Water 2 Medium 102 102 381 360
92 Stormy Knight 630,500 3,002 - 4,394 1,199 - 2,058 248,280 151,100 Formless Wind 4 Large 306 166 457 467 Boss
92 Solider 7,426 505 - 679 135 - 159 1,299 1,167 Brute Earth 2 Medium 206 58 336 318 Normal
92 Owl Duke 7,780 478 - 645 390 - 570 1,238 1,167 Demon Neutral 3 Large 80 45 343 368 Boss
92 Elder 7,780 491 - 658 752 - 1,233 1,238 1,167 Human Neutral 4 Large 72 41 355 368 Normal
92 Enchanted Peach Tree 7,426 516 - 690 182 - 225 1,299 1,167 Plant Earth 2 Medium 109 40 344 354 Normal
92 Old Stove 7,780 500 - 667 164 - 200 1,238 1,167 Formless Neutral 1 Large 100 47 353 329 Normal
92 Breeze 7,073 470 - 621 163 - 194 1,238 1,167 Formless Wind 3 Medium 83 32 393 341 Normal
92 Solid Solider 74,260 574 - 783 135 - 159 6,495 17,505 Brute Earth 2 Medium 206 58 336 318
92 Owl Duke Ringleader 38,900 545 - 744 390 - 570 6,190 17,505 Demon Neutral 3 Large 80 45 343 368
92 Solid Enchanted Peach Tree 74,260 585 - 794 182 - 225 6,495 17,505 Plant Earth 2 Medium 109 40 344 354
92 Breeze Ringleader 35,365 530 - 711 163 - 194 6,190 17,505 Formless Wind 3 Medium 83 32 393 341
92 Furious Breeze 35,365 530 - 711 163 - 194 6,190 17,505 Formless Wind 3 Medium 83 32 423 341
93 Vagabond Wolf 8,203 580 - 787 154 - 181 853 1,300 Brute Earth 1 Medium 102 51 356 371 Boss
93 Deviruchi 7,165 403 - 528 305 - 414 1,256 1,185 Demon Dark 1 Small 72 16 342 382 Normal
93 Boitata 1,283,990 1,335 - 1,886 875 - 1,452 44,573 38,975 Brute Fire 3 Large 32 66 392 383 Boss
93 Solid Deviruchi 71,650 453 - 602 305 - 414 6,280 17,775 Demon Dark 1 Small 72 16 342 382
93 자이언트 초코루치 8,912 154 - 154 178 - 178 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 72 16 342 382 Normal
93 화이트 초코루치 8,912 154 - 154 178 - 178 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 72 16 342 382 Normal
93 자이언트 화이트 초코루치 8,912 154 - 154 178 - 178 0 0 Formless Neutral Small 72 16 342 382 Normal
94 Freezer 8,346 416 - 543 244 - 334 1,274 1,203 Brute Water 2 Medium 127 38 341 333 Normal
94 Lord of the Dead 603,883 4,514 - 6,655 1,596 - 2,773 262,272 172,626 Demon Dark 3 Large 336 73 393 434 Boss
94 Bloody Butterfly 6,896 481 - 640 195 - 236 1,274 1,203 Insect Wind 2 Medium 79 50 362 372 Normal
94 Hatii Baby 10,016 561 - 760 197 - 234 933 874 Brute Water 2 Medium 62 43 355 370 Normal
94 Ungoliant 27,070 1,201 - 1,720 237 - 324 4,100 2,456 Insect Poison 2 Large 108 28 364 374 Normal
94 Freezer 9,990 645 - 886 174 - 204 0 0 Brute Water 2 Medium 68 38 341 323 Boss
94 Leak 1,266,000 3,194 - 4,683 1,077 - 1,848 236,400 150,060 Demon Dark 2 Large 280 128 419 450 Boss
94 Ungoliant Ringleader 135,350 1,409 - 2,031 237 - 324 20,500 36,840 Insect Poison 2 Large 108 28 364 374
94 Solid Freezer 83,460 466 - 619 244 - 334 6,370 18,045 Brute Water 2 Medium 127 38 341 333
94 Freezer Ringleader 41,730 466 - 619 244 - 334 6,370 18,045 Brute Water 2 Medium 127 38 341 333
94 Swift Bloody Butterfly 34,480 544 - 735 195 - 236 6,370 18,045 Insect Wind 2 Medium 79 50 362 372
94 하수도둑벌레 8,346 389 - 514 201 - 292 1,274 1,203 Insect Neutral 3 Small 33 3 371 339 Normal
95 Injustice 8,087 464 - 611 241 - 310 1,292 1,221 Undead Dark 2 Medium 76 31 354 353 Normal
95 Shinobi 8,087 458 - 605 160 - 191 1,292 1,221 Human Dark 3 Medium 49 45 365 348 Normal
95 Anopheles 6,617 451 - 598 165 - 176 1,292 1,221 Insect Wind 3 Small 7 10 355 371 Normal
95 Roween 6,617 489 - 652 164 - 185 1,292 1,221 Brute Wind 1 Medium 73 33 377 373 Normal
95 Stapo 6,984 455 - 626 165 - 196 1,356 1,221 Formless Earth 2 Small 129 36 341 329 Normal
95 S Hornet 5,000 461 - 614 239 - 306 0 0 Insect Wind 1 Small 7 1 349 341 Normal
95 Md Vadon 120,000 862 - 1,173 312 - 447 750 750 Fish Water 1 Small 154 21 386 378 Boss
95 Md Marse 120,000 628 - 828 825 - 1,317 750 750 Fish Water 2 Small 58 218 332 398 Boss
95 Md Crab 120,000 773 - 1,052 295 - 436 750 750 Fish Water 1 Small 136 15 349 363 Boss
95 Md Giant Octopus 500,000 1,760 - 2,520 995 - 1,715 20,000 10,000 Fish Water 2 Large 154 21 386 378 Boss
95 Wild Rider 33,300 1,240 - 1,768 381 - 580 4,150 1,650 Fish Water 2 Large 480 22 419 377 Boss
95 Wootan Fighter 9,000 362 - 464 125 - 146 1,400 2,000 Human Fire 2 Medium 103 8 309 327 Normal
95 Increase Soil 20,000 454 - 600 165 - 183 1,400 2,000 Formless Earth 3 Medium 112 39 318 359 Normal
95 Dio anemos 200,000 478 - 649 475 - 732 9,440 4,430 Human Neutral 1 Medium 129 18 335 395 Normal
95 Stapo Ringleader 34,920 523 - 728 165 - 196 6,780 18,315 Formless Earth 2 Small 129 36 341 329
95 Furious Shinobi 40,435 517 - 692 160 - 191 6,460 18,315 Human Dark 3 Medium 49 45 386 348
95 Solid Roween 66,170 554 - 749 164 - 185 6,460 18,315 Brute Wind 1 Medium 73 33 377 373
95 Furious Injustice 40,435 523 - 698 241 - 310 6,460 18,315 Undead Dark 2 Medium 76 31 371 353
96 Dark Lord 1,190,900 3,362 - 4,936 2,047 - 3,598 428,544 279,000 Demon Undead 4 Large 330 168 432 459 Boss
96 Dark Illusion 46,255 1,110 - 1,577 447 - 664 4,954 4,549 Demon Undead 4 Large 145 30 332 448 Boss
96 Taoist Hermit 9,727 523 - 706 177 - 195 1,311 1,240 Formless Neutral 2 Large 66 46 353 385 Normal
96 Mineral 7,959 465 - 614 185 - 220 1,311 1,240 Formless Neutral 2 Small 127 23 357 340 Normal
96 Solid Mineral 79,590 524 - 703 185 - 220 6,555 18,600 Formless Neutral 2 Small 127 23 357 340
96 Mineral 8,300 766 - 1,067 185 - 220 401 506 Formless Neutral 2 Small 127 23 357 340 Normal
96 Taoist Hermit 8,266 647 - 892 177 - 195 451 281 Formless Neutral 2 Large 66 46 353 385 Normal
96 하수촌촌 7,959 428 - 577 136 - 171 1,311 1,240 Insect Wind 1 Small 66 72 370 321 Normal
Name Type Subtype
Upgrade Part - Booster [1] Armor Shoes

No data available


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Date Field Old New
2023-01-13 00:42 description Hover
MAX Lv : 1
Skill Requirement : Acceleration 1
Skill Form : Active / Buff
Description : Make Madogear hover over the ground to escape traps and any other magic attacks. A Hovering Booster must be equiped to cast and consumes 1 Magic Gear Fuel.
[Lv 1] : Skill Duration 90 sec.
Max Lv : 1
Skill Requirement : Acceleration 1
Skill Form : Active / Buff
Description : Make Madogear hover over the ground to escape traps and any other magic attacks. A Hovering Booster must be equiped to cast and consumes 1 Magic Gear Fuel.
[Lv 1] : Skill Duration 90 sec.
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.