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HE Battle Manual Plus
12263 Comp_Battle_Manual 보상전투교범

A manual that explains the most efficient way to battle. It is a very detailed and well composed manual.
EXP rate increases to 200% for0 30 minutes.
Weight : 0


These information ignore any conditions. If an effect required an item upgrade it will just be displayed.

Item information

Sell price 1 zeny
Weight 0
Type Consumable
Subtype Special
Can be dropped by player no
Can be traded to another player no
Can be placed in storage no
Can be placed in Cart no
Can be sold to NPC no
Can be send via mail no
Can be sold as an auction no
Can be placed in guild storage no
Added 2012-08-09
Level Name Health Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type Chance
185 [GM]스모키 20,000 Brute Poison 3 Medium 0 0 386 555 Boss 5%
Name Chance Refine Enchant
 Level Up Box (60) 0.01%
 Level Up Box (90) 0.01%
 개선된 PC방 노말박스 0.02%
 Premium Normal Box 0.02%
 Shadow Armor Weapon Box 0.04%
 후긴의 알 첫번째 0.05%
 후긴의 알 두번째 0.05%
 Deviling Package 0.05%
 Angeling Package 0.13%
 Treasure Box 0.2%
 RWC Groove Pack 2 0.3%
 Thanksgiving Groove Pack 0.3%
 Groovy Dragon Box 0.7%
 개선된 PC방 우든박스 0.8%
 Premium Wooden Box 0.8%
 소녀의 마음 2%
 개선된 PC방 골든박스 2%
 Premium Golden Box 2%
 Shadow Shield Box 4%
 불꽃 정령왕의 스크롤 4%
 Rideword Hat Box 5%
 Safe to 7 Chance Box 5%
 Gryphon Egg Scroll 5%
 드래곤의 알 5%
 2011 RWC 스크롤 5%
 크루 스크롤 5%
 플립의 씨알 5%
 국왕의 선물상자 5%
 15주년 기념 상자 6%
 언데드의 핵 6.9%
 언데드의 핵 6.9%
 Fortune EggⅤ 7%
 신비한 메달 크레인 7.5%
 Incarnation Of Morocc Doll Box 8%
 New Recruit Pack 8%
 황금 보물상자 10%
 황금 보물상자 10%
 크리스마스 스크롤 10%
 봉인된 폭풍의 기사 스크롤 10%
 봉인된 폭풍의 기사 스크롤 10%
 봉인된 베르제브브 스크롤 10%
 봉인된 베르제브브 스크롤 10%
 봉인된 키엘-D-01 스크롤 10%
 봉인된 키엘-D-01 스크롤 10%
 봉인된 그룸언더나이트 스크롤 10%
 봉인된 그룸언더나이트 스크롤 10%
 Sealed Fallen Bishop Scroll 10%
 Sealed Fallen Bishop Scroll 10%
 봉인된 이프리트 스크롤 10%
 봉인된 이프리트 스크롤 10%
 2013 RWC 스크롤 10%
 2013 RWC 스크롤 10%
 Sealed Turtle General Gachapon 10%
 Sealed Turtle General Gachapon 10%
 봉인된 백소진 스크롤 10%
 봉인된 백소진 스크롤 10%
 Sealed Paraoh Scroll 10%
 Sealed Paraoh Scroll 10%
 Sealed General Egnigem Cenia Scroll 10%
 Sealed General Egnigem Cenia Scroll 10%
 영혼의 뚫어뻥 스크롤 10%
 Sealed Moonlight Flower Scroll 10%
 Sealed Moonlight Flower Scroll 10%
 스테이터스 감소 스크롤 10%
 Mad Bunny Scroll 10%
 Mad Bunny Scroll 10%
 교황스크롤 15%
 RWC Arms Box 15%
 봉인된 다크로드 스크롤 15%
 봉인된 다크로드 스크롤 15%
 늑대왕 스크롤 15%
 늑대왕 스크롤 15%
 신년 스크롤 15%
 Recruit's Mount Gift 16%
 PC Cafe Coupon BoxⅡ 0.01%
 RWC 결승전 참가 기념상자 0.01%
 PC방 쿠폰 상자Ⅲ 0.01%
 출석 20일 상자 0.01%
 Time Keeper Box 0.01%
 전투교범 10개 상자 0.01%
 상급 시간의 수호자 상자 0.01%
 초보자 레벨업 패키지 0.01%
 ROS Korea Applicant Box 0.1%
 기념의 알 1%
 Xmas Scroll 10%
 Lapine Big Box 0.1%
 [한정]라피네의 뚝딱상자 0.1%
 [한정]라피네의 뚝딱상자 2018 0.1%
 PC Bang Normal Box 0.5%
 PC Bang Wooden Box 0.5%
 PC Bang Golden Box 2%
 New Year Gift Box 2.5%


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Date Field Old New
2024-09-04 01:55 identifiedResourceName ?꾪닾援먮쾾 전투교범
2024-09-04 01:55 unidentifiedResourceName ?꾪닾援먮쾾 전투교범
2024-09-03 23:10 unidentifiedResourceName 전투교범 ?꾪닾援먮쾾
2024-09-03 23:10 identifiedResourceName 전투교범 ?꾪닾援먮쾾
2017-01-23 12:19 unidentifiedResourceName ÀüÅõ±³¹ü 전투교범
2017-01-23 12:19 identifiedResourceName ÀüÅõ±³¹ü 전투교범
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedResourceName 전투교범 ÀüÅõ±³¹ü
2016-12-23 08:08 unidentifiedDescriptionName A manual that explains the most efficient way to battle. It is a very detailed and well composed manual.
EXP rate increases to 200% for0 30 minutes.
Weight : 0
A manual that explains the most efficient way to battle. It is a very detailed and well composed manual.
EXP rate increases to 200% for0 30 minutes.
Weight : 0
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedResourceName 전투교범 ÀüÅõ±³¹ü
2016-12-23 08:08 identifiedDescriptionName A manual that explains the most efficient way to battle. It is a very detailed and well composed manual.
EXP rate increases to 200% for0 30 minutes.
Weight : 0
A manual that explains the most efficient way to battle. It is a very detailed and well composed manual.
EXP rate increases to 200% for0 30 minutes.
Weight : 0
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.