Demonic Mass Sleep

Skill information

Max level 5
Flags ▪ Display range (only monster skills)
Skill Type Non-Attack
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
SP consumption 0 0 0 0 0
Data 1 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
Data 2 2 5 8 11 14
Data 3 18000 18000 18000 18000 18000
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
1 Crystal L 100 2 - 2 2 - 2 0 0 Formless Neutral 3 Large 99 160 202 1170 Boss
15 Large Gift Box 1,000 195 - 235 185 - 245 38 38 Formless Neutral 3 Large 100 100 315 285 Boss
90 Md Octopus Leg 500,000 857 - 1,168 307 - 442 2,000 1,000 Fish Water 2 Small 154 21 381 373 Boss
94 Leak 1,266,000 3,194 - 4,683 1,077 - 1,848 236,400 150,060 Demon Dark 2 Large 280 128 419 450 Boss
95 Md Giant Octopus 500,000 1,760 - 2,520 995 - 1,715 20,000 10,000 Fish Water 2 Large 154 21 386 378 Boss
97 White Lady 720,500 1,346 - 1,911 1,648 - 2,869 400,896 271,440 Human Wind 3 Large 210 178 541 513 Boss
97 White Lady 720,500 1,346 - 1,911 1,648 - 2,869 400,896 271,440 Human Wind 3 Large 210 178 541 513 Boss
99 King of the alley 268,800 5,006 - 7,357 2,723 - 4,838 108,810 89,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 410 192 493 472 Boss
115 Hungry Eclipse 5,150,000 183 - 207 146 - 158 4,512 2,597 Brute Neutral 3 Medium 50 20 343 312 Boss
117 S Nydhog 3,452,000 5,442 - 8,105 3,041 - 5,345 2,808,000 1,930,500 Dragon Dark 4 Large 60 75 351 550 Boss
118 Starving Baphomet 200,000,000 658 - 858 903 - 1,503 85,000 45,000 Demon Dark 3 Large 379 45 470 528 Boss
124 Kraken 5,602,800 3,378 - 4,907 1,522 - 2,620 983,332 1,057,222 Fish Water 4 Large 55 229 423 456 Boss
124 Kraken Leg 39,190 1,602 - 2,276 640 - 973 0 0 Fish Water 3 Large 127 158 416 483 Boss
126 Tendrillion 1,397,451 1,392 - 1,953 1,230 - 2,023 65,502 41,413 Brute Earth 2 Medium 132 123 392 499 Boss
135 Lost Dragon 608,920 1,855 - 2,645 628 - 946 19,500 19,800 Dragon Dark 3 Large 60 51 416 452 Boss
147 Beelzebub 6,805,000 4,502 - 6,602 1,842 - 3,102 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Small 288 265 582 623 Boss
151 Satan Morocc 7,000,000 4,588 - 6,724 2,223 - 3,808 0 0 Demon Dark 4 Large 400 65 533 591 Boss
151 Wounded Morocc 5,000,000 3,940 - 5,752 2,411 - 4,140 2,632,500 1,673,100 Demon Dark 4 Large 425 65 536 591 Boss
160 Celine Kimi 66,666,666 5,636 - 8,303 5,270 - 9,269 4,444,444 4,033,332 Undead Ghost 1 Large 479 444 526 496 Boss
160 Sarah Irene 100,000,000 1,075 - 1,511 1,513 - 2,512 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 276 255 521 555 Boss
165 T_W_O 48,000,000 3,419 - 5,001 389 - 506 0 0 Demon Dark 3 Large 158 134 506 602 Boss
176 Flamel Emule 2,312,000 2,982 - 4,315 2,659 - 4,658 80,000 40,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 130 100 456 546 Boss
186 Genetic Flamel 3,600,000 4,466 - 6,466 3,986 - 6,986 0 0 Human Fire 4 Medium 260 200 546 756 Boss
186 Genetic Flamel 14,400,000 4,466 - 6,466 3,986 - 6,986 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Fire 4 Medium 260 200 546 756 Boss
186 Minstrel Alphoccio 10,800,000 3,626 - 5,226 4,786 - 8,386 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Wind 4 Medium 240 200 686 656 Boss
186 Wanderer Trentini 10,800,000 3,606 - 5,206 4,786 - 8,386 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Wind 4 Medium 200 200 686 656 Boss
188 Royal Guard Randel 18,000,000 5,389 - 7,789 1,688 - 2,888 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Holy 4 Medium 600 400 548 738 Boss
188 Shadow Chaser Gertie 14,400,000 6,148 - 8,948 2,038 - 3,538 3,000,000 3,000,000 Human Poison 4 Medium 320 200 648 778 Boss
244 환영의 크라켄 68,914,440 7,196 - 10,477 5,004 - 8,883 0 0 Fish Water 4 Large 55 229 642 738 Boss
244 환영의 무시무시한 릭 77,859,000 5,772 - 8,414 4,181 - 7,410 0 0 Demon Dark 2 Large 280 128 694 786 Boss
247 환영의 니드호그 그림자 73,689,400 7,848 - 11,577 5,600 - 9,987 0 0 Dragon Dark 4 Large 60 75 515 680 Boss
247 환영의 백소진 78,621,500 6,966 - 10,157 5,333 - 9,476 0 0 Human Wind 3 Large 210 178 691 663 Boss
250 베르제브브 680,500,000 8,960 - 13,160 3,440 - 5,960 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Small 576 530 920 1032 Boss

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Date Field Old New
2023-01-13 00:42 name NPC_WIDESLEEP2 Demonic Mass Sleep
2023-01-13 00:42 MaxLv 0 5
2020-05-02 05:27 description
2020-05-02 05:27 name NPC_WIDESLEEP2
2020-05-02 05:27 MaxLv 0
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.