Mystical Amplification
Mystical Amplification
Max Lv : 10
Skill Form : Active
Type : Buff
Target : Self
Description : Increases base MATK for 60 sec.
[Level 1] : MATK + 5%
[Level 2] : MATK +10%
[Level 3] : MATK +15%
[Level 4] : MATK +20%
[Level 5] : MATK +25%
[Level 6] : MATK +30%
[Level 7] : MATK +35%
[Level 8] : MATK +40%
[Level 9] : MATK +45%
[Level 10] : MATK +50%

Skill information

Max level 10
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
SP consumption 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
Level Name Health ATK MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
250 Betelgeuse 2,000,000,000 8,259 - 12,158 4,938 - 8,827 0 0 Dragon Neutral 2 Large 346 102 661 699 Boss
250 데드소울 10,000 5,790 - 8,510 3,580 - 6,280 0 0 Demon Neutral 2 Medium 100 100 628 652 Boss
250 변종 나흐트 지거 2,000,000,000 7,343 - 10,764 4,901 - 8,700 0 0 Demon Ghost 3 Large 410 80 638 743 Boss
250 변종 마력의 가시 5,000,000 6,272 - 9,232 4,668 - 8,208 0 0 Demon Neutral 2 Medium 71 66 640 665 Boss
250 Mastering 126,000 448 - 512 330 - 378 157 177 Plant Water 1 Small 96 62 492 478 Boss
250 Vagabond Wolf 820,300 1,224 - 1,639 372 - 427 853 1,300 Brute Earth 1 Medium 204 102 576 636 Boss
250 Vocal 331,700 507 - 564 325 - 338 49 39 Insect Earth 1 Medium 144 52 502 526 Boss
250 Golden Thief Bug 22,275,000 1,915 - 2,676 1,554 - 2,565 102,060 77,760 Insect Fire 2 Large 318 162 594 700 Boss
250 Mistress 37,800,000 1,968 - 2,756 3,229 - 5,590 184,140 150,660 Insect Wind 4 Large 574 384 822 764 Boss
250 Maya 38,000,000 1,314 - 1,758 825 - 1,143 89,280 66,960 Insect Earth 4 Large 366 100 594 604 Boss
250 Phreeoni 30,000,000 1,534 - 2,089 1,777 - 2,938 63,800 90,000 Brute Neutral 3 Large 538 196 590 664 Boss
250 Drake 80,450,000 4,522 - 6,537 2,428 - 4,111 309,096 208,980 Undead Undead 1 Medium 558 270 656 744 Boss
250 아몬 라 100,900,000 3,766 - 5,438 3,384 - 5,847 120,060 93,960 Human Earth 3 Large 413 246 628 622 Boss
250 흑사왕 110,100,000 5,105 - 7,410 3,300 - 5,683 432,000 346,500 Brute Ghost 3 Large 628 370 794 890 Boss
250 아크엔젤링 2,510,000 1,262 - 1,737 588 - 708 1,789 1,455 Angel Holy 3 Medium 184 162 546 658 Boss
250 데빌링 1,689,000 838 - 1,085 656 - 875 1,197 1,189 Demon Dark 4 Medium 134 140 550 590 Boss
250 엔젤링 1,980,000 991 - 1,304 663 - 837 1,683 1,346 Angel Holy 4 Medium 144 476 550 580 Boss
250 고스트링 2,670,000 998 - 1,306 608 - 803 2,368 2,233 Demon Ghost 4 Medium 176 144 620 658 Boss
250 이그니젬 세니아 291,008,800 10,203 - 14,992 3,825 - 6,646 685,360 1,023,000 Human Fire 2 Medium 746 350 804 976 Boss
250 도플갱어 38,000,000 3,858 - 5,541 2,030 - 3,441 172,260 125,280 Demon Dark 3 Medium 492 172 694 826 Boss
250 아트로스 150,200,000 5,040 - 7,315 2,552 - 4,355 702,000 470,250 Brute Dark 3 Large 632 352 780 846 Boss
250 오크 히어로 36,200,000 1,503 - 2,032 1,009 - 1,538 53,460 48,600 Human Earth 2 Large 394 140 614 708 Boss
250 오크 로드 55,200,000 1,688 - 2,312 1,349 - 2,126 78,120 61,380 Human Earth 4 Large 512 184 640 730 Boss
250 바포메트 66,800,000 5,530 - 8,050 3,197 - 5,578 218,089 167,053 Demon Dark 3 Large 758 45 700 792 Normal
250 다크 로드 119,090,000 6,782 - 9,930 4,152 - 7,255 428,544 279,000 Demon Undead 4 Large 660 324 722 806 Boss
250 타락한 대신관 히밤 565,500,000 7,486 - 10,918 7,192 - 12,755 1,755,000 1,039,500 Demon Dark 2 Medium 548 764 680 966 Boss
250 이프리트 693,500,000 13,510 - 19,961 5,374 - 9,441 4,352,400 2,673,000 Formless Fire 4 Large 872 436 852 1018 Boss
250 발키리 란드그리스 320,500,000 12,390 - 18,265 6,978 - 12,273 1,300,000 1,210,000 Angel Holy 4 Large 1176 1012 712 1222 Boss
250 베르제브브 680,500,000 8,960 - 13,160 3,440 - 5,960 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Small 576 530 920 1032 Boss
250 베르제브브 480,500,000 11,271 - 16,604 6,971 - 12,304 4,582,500 3,877,500 Demon Ghost 4 Large 836 330 922 1074 Boss
250 [PH] Monster Name 37,500,000 4,520 - 6,521 1,938 - 3,237 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Medium 357 140 598 597 Boss
250 [PH] Monster Name 37,500,000 4,330 - 6,233 2,448 - 4,173 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Medium 404 174 585 577 Boss
250 [PH] Monster Name 37,500,000 2,497 - 3,572 2,829 - 4,760 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Medium 298 199 518 614 Boss
250 [PH] Monster Name 37,500,000 3,694 - 5,316 1,774 - 2,967 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Medium 299 122 735 631 Boss
250 [PH] Monster Name 37,500,000 4,792 - 6,931 1,805 - 3,034 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Medium 341 138 714 619 Boss
250 [PH] Monster Name 37,500,000 4,532 - 6,531 2,147 - 3,640 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Medium 335 139 726 605 Boss
250 [PH] Monster Name 37,500,000 2,269 - 3,222 3,205 - 5,437 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Medium 279 184 551 562 Boss
250 [PH] Monster Name 1,500,000 6,900 - 10,100 3,200 - 5,600 0 0 Dragon Holy 3 Large 450 450 600 870 Boss
250 [PH] Monster Name 1,500,000 6,900 - 10,100 2,500 - 4,300 0 0 Dragon Water 3 Large 450 450 600 870 Boss
250 [PH] Monster Name 1,500,000 6,900 - 10,100 2,500 - 4,300 0 0 Dragon Earth 3 Large 450 450 600 870 Boss
250 모나크 펭귄 1,500,000 6,900 - 10,100 2,500 - 4,300 0 0 Dragon Dark 3 Large 450 450 600 870 Boss
250 정원의 빨간 풀 10 250 - 251 250 - 251 0 0 Plant Earth 1 Small 100 99 450 420 Normal
250 정원의 노란 풀 10 250 - 251 250 - 251 0 0 Plant Earth 1 Small 100 99 450 420 Normal
250 정원의 파란 풀 10 250 - 251 250 - 251 0 0 Plant Earth 1 Small 100 99 450 420 Normal
250 정원의 하얀 풀 10 250 - 251 250 - 251 0 0 Plant Earth 1 Small 100 99 450 420 Normal
250 성지 청소 반장 344,751,289 16,392 - 24,383 4,481 - 7,970 693,292 485,304 Formless Poison 4 Large 386 215 583 576 Boss
250 [PH] Monster Name 2,000,000,000 7,932 - 11,629 1,162 - 1,793 0 0 Dragon Earth 4 Large 404 540 640 610 Boss
251 One Eye Dollocaris 41,093,320 13,529 - 20,064 2,528 - 4,365 707,510 492,781 Fish Dark 3 Medium 432 167 625 600 Normal
252 Hallucigenia 42,421,610 10,302 - 15,223 2,600 - 4,463 706,645 493,417 Insect Water 3 Medium 284 155 697 646 Normal
252 초원의 핀귀큘라 25,130,533 14,953 - 22,170 3,748 - 6,599 1,308,495 911,366 Plant Earth 1 Medium 513 198 677 660 Normal
252 초원의 세비지 30,895,777 9,762 - 14,447 3,434 - 6,023 1,336,711 930,111 Brute Earth 2 Large 566 248 587 596 Normal
252 초원의 힐윈드 23,931,278 13,676 - 20,287 4,235 - 7,502 1,327,922 927,225 Brute Wind 3 Medium 305 166 691 647 Normal
252 화염의 익스플로젼 23,438,635 10,254 - 15,189 5,675 - 10,152 1,332,273 932,126 Brute Fire 3 Small 298 313 594 605 Normal
252 화염의 공중 딜리터 23,785,549 12,818 - 19,005 4,928 - 8,773 1,340,379 938,265 Dragon Fire 2 Medium 443 250 610 614 Normal
252 화염의 잭 21,917,288 14,856 - 22,049 4,664 - 8,289 1,322,755 923,617 Formless Fire 2 Medium 310 170 708 663 Normal
252 빙하의 아이스 티탄 29,583,419 9,639 - 14,250 3,586 - 6,279 1,326,340 922,895 Formless Water 3 Large 601 263 610 626 Normal
252 빙하의 시로마 25,201,125 12,494 - 18,512 3,911 - 6,900 1,317,588 920,009 Formless Water 3 Small 306 167 695 651 Normal
252 빙하의 센티페데 21,467,484 10,271 - 15,208 5,900 - 10,551 1,316,733 921,254 Insect Poison 2 Medium 309 327 609 625 Normal
252 죽음의 루드 26,320,301 12,569 - 18,640 3,752 - 6,625 1,317,588 920,009 Undead Undead 1 Small 294 158 659 617 Normal
252 죽음의 누더기 좀비 28,560,234 9,569 - 14,158 3,421 - 6,020 1,314,582 920,208 Undead Undead 3 Medium 400 222 566 600 Normal
252 죽음의 플레임 스컬 21,469,657 11,374 - 16,855 6,138 - 10,975 1,327,093 928,502 Demon Ghost 3 Small 318 340 624 645 Normal
252 Entangled Intermediate Rgan 42,579,000 9,556 - 14,133 2,725 - 4,696 723,723 503,581 Formless Poison 2 Medium 537 235 596 602 Normal
252 [PH] Monster Name 90,341,178 8,275 - 12,138 5,961 - 10,622 0 0 Angel Water 4 Medium 374 92 637 627 Boss
252 [PH] Monster Name 82,734,000 7,167 - 10,557 5,099 - 9,150 0 0 Human Neutral 3 Medium 189 85 572 592 Boss
252 정원삼 345,114 3,061 - 4,384 1,124 - 1,709 833,346 579,860 Plant Earth 3 Small 553 242 608 617 Normal
253 Sieglouse 39,324,220 11,186 - 16,543 2,828 - 4,877 742,800 518,662 Insect Earth 2 Small 289 159 710 658 Normal
253 Grote 47,842,600 8,581 - 12,673 2,449 - 4,186 735,932 512,077 Demon Earth 2 Large 531 232 592 597 Normal
253 Discarded Intermediate Rgan 44,256,530 9,372 - 13,839 2,877 - 4,940 729,743 507,770 Formless Wind 3 Medium 585 256 632 647 Normal
253 Two Eyes Dollocaris 49,197,540 8,229 - 12,146 2,361 - 4,024 729,743 507,770 Fish Earth 3 Medium 531 232 592 597 Normal
253 초원의 로커 29,188,380 10,624 - 15,723 4,013 - 7,086 1,347,253 943,077 Insect Earth 1 Medium 431 241 597 598 Normal
253 화염의 메이저우로스 25,488,079 16,357 - 24,298 3,875 - 6,858 1,356,696 944,939 Brute Fire 2 Large 480 185 639 620 Normal
253 빙하의 아쿠아 엘레멘탈 25,223,418 9,113 - 13,468 5,295 - 9,424 1,338,947 936,796 Formless Water 4 Large 311 331 614 631 Normal
253 죽음의 에인션트 미이라 28,033,464 14,486 - 21,497 3,420 - 6,019 1,428,239 1,059,517 Undead Undead 2 Medium 472 182 630 611 Normal
253 [PH] Monster Name 92,734,221 10,789 - 15,890 4,045 - 7,048 0 0 Undead Undead 4 Large 451 81 647 626 Boss
253 정원 늑대 316,070 4,237 - 6,136 977 - 1,496 854,829 595,389 Brute Earth 2 Medium 421 162 611 585 Normal
253 성전의 루도 32,534,117 16,013 - 23,814 9,409 - 17,054 1,360,016 951,537 Angel Holy 3 Small 480 512 622 639 Normal
253 성전의 아크엔젤링 36,048,967 18,345 - 27,283 7,780 - 14,047 1,357,745 950,422 Angel Holy 3 Medium 703 398 631 639 Normal
253 성전의 페이크 엔젤 33,216,055 20,418 - 30,390 7,020 - 12,661 1,360,833 950,205 Angel Holy 3 Small 473 260 713 667 Normal
253 맹독의 코모도 37,802,826 21,819 - 32,486 5,918 - 10,647 1,361,942 948,593 Brute Poison 3 Medium 739 285 648 630 Normal
253 맹독의 독두꺼비 42,572,740 15,414 - 22,916 5,916 - 10,613 1,369,807 953,140 Brute Poison 2 Medium 897 392 604 618 Normal
253 맹독의 사이드와인더 35,522,723 14,965 - 22,252 8,478 - 15,347 1,360,016 951,537 Brute Poison 1 Medium 463 488 604 618 Normal
253 영혼의 나이트메어 42,580,971 15,329 - 22,767 6,368 - 11,408 1,359,262 945,803 Brute Ghost 3 Large 991 433 646 672 Normal
253 영혼의 위스퍼 33,220,493 19,843 - 29,504 7,194 - 12,951 1,350,324 942,868 Demon Ghost 3 Small 501 281 768 719 Normal
253 영혼의 마리오네트 32,539,822 15,446 - 22,947 9,668 - 17,491 1,349,481 944,167 Demon Ghost 3 Small 515 559 658 687 Normal
253 각성 요르도스 집행자 21,424,383 ? ? ? ? Demon Earth 2 Medium 284 266 ? ? Normal
253 각성 요르도스 재판관 17,854,432 ? ? ? ? Demon Dark 2 Medium 170 192 ? ? Normal
253 각성 요르도스 심문관 18,679,789 ? ? ? ? Demon Neutral 2 Medium 258 306 ? ? Normal
254 Erzsebet 37,709,580 9,244 - 13,673 4,007 - 7,054 748,788 523,891 Demon Dark 1 Medium 277 291 595 601 Normal
254 Disguiser 42,030,800 11,424 - 16,921 2,698 - 4,667 743,161 518,914 Demon Undead 2 Medium 272 146 714 611 Normal
254 초원의 코르누스 27,113,233 12,434 - 18,435 4,668 - 8,299 1,380,517 966,362 Brute Holy 3 Medium 434 243 600 602 Normal
254 초원의 플로라 26,231,246 13,564 - 20,109 3,313 - 5,814 1,352,885 942,285 Plant Earth 1 Large 480 185 639 677 Normal
254 화염의 라바골렘 29,549,062 11,805 - 17,492 4,434 - 7,837 1,376,698 957,935 Formless Fire 4 Large 624 273 626 646 Normal
254 화염의 어시더스 22,410,484 11,610 - 17,220 6,462 - 11,607 1,393,537 974,990 Dragon Dark 4 Large 303 319 601 614 Normal
254 빙하의 스노이어 28,555,443 10,640 - 15,729 4,240 - 7,477 1,359,180 951,426 Formless Water 2 Large 459 260 626 633 Normal
254 빙하의 엔젤골트 24,831,628 12,880 - 19,099 4,912 - 8,743 1,380,517 966,362 Angel Holy 4 Small 442 249 609 612 Normal
254 죽음의 레이쓰 29,822,370 10,892 - 16,123 4,127 - 7,294 1,359,180 951,426 Undead Undead 4 Large 434 244 601 602 Normal
254 죽음의 밴시 24,831,628 12,758 - 18,916 4,868 - 8,661 1,380,517 966,362 Demon Dark 2 Medium 442 249 609 612 Normal
254 [PH] Monster Name 91,410,000 10,804 - 15,867 6,669 - 11,806 0 0 Human Dark 2 Medium 687 210 690 665 Boss
254 정원 경계석(빨강) 274,080 3,999 - 5,791 1,131 - 1,767 865,453 604,305 Formless Fire 2 Small 267 142 643 646 Normal
254 정원 경계석(노랑) 275,980 3,837 - 5,540 1,129 - 1,752 862,387 602,015 Formless Wind 2 Small 273 147 662 668 Normal
Name Type Subtype
Unknown item #490036 Armor Accessory
Unknown item #490080 Armor Accessory
Ahura Mazdah Armor Shield
AmeshaSpenta Armor Armor
Evil Spirit Glove [1] Armor Accessory
Mystical Amplification Scroll Consumable Special
Owlduke Silk Hat Armor Headgear
Racing Cap (Shadow Chaser) [1] Armor Headgear
Racing Cap (Warlock) [1] Armor Headgear
RWC Memory Staff [1] Weapon Rod
Solomon's Pendant Armor Accessory (Left)
Staff of Destruction [1] Weapon Two-handed Rod
Staff of Destruction [1] Weapon Two-handed Rod

No data available


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Date Field Old New
2023-01-13 00:42 description Mystical Amplification
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Form : Active
Type : Buff
Target : Self
Description : Increases base MATK for 60 sec.
[Level 1] : MATK + 5%
[Level 2] : MATK +10%
[Level 3] : MATK +15%
[Level 4] : MATK +20%
[Level 5] : MATK +25%
[Level 6] : MATK +30%
[Level 7] : MATK +35%
[Level 8] : MATK +40%
[Level 9] : MATK +45%
[Level 10] : MATK +50%
Mystical Amplification
Max Lv : 10
Skill Form : Active
Type : Buff
Target : Self
Description : Increases base MATK for 60 sec.
[Level 1] : MATK + 5%
[Level 2] : MATK +10%
[Level 3] : MATK +15%
[Level 4] : MATK +20%
[Level 5] : MATK +25%
[Level 6] : MATK +30%
[Level 7] : MATK +35%
[Level 8] : MATK +40%
[Level 9] : MATK +45%
[Level 10] : MATK +50%
2022-10-14 04:04 description Mystical Amplification
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Form : Active
Type : Buff
Target: Caster Only
Description : Amplifies the magic power of the next skill for 30 seconds or until the next skill is used.
[Level 1] : MATK +5%
[Level 2] : MATK +10%
[Level 3] : MATK +15%
[Level 4] : MATK +20%
[Level 5] : MATK +25%
[Level 6] : MATK +30%
[Level 7] : MATK +35%
[Level 8] : MATK +40%
[Level 9] : MATK +45%
[Level 10] : MATK +50%
Mystical Amplification
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Form : Active
Type : Buff
Target : Self
Description : Increases base MATK for 60 sec.
[Level 1] : MATK + 5%
[Level 2] : MATK +10%
[Level 3] : MATK +15%
[Level 4] : MATK +20%
[Level 5] : MATK +25%
[Level 6] : MATK +30%
[Level 7] : MATK +35%
[Level 8] : MATK +40%
[Level 9] : MATK +45%
[Level 10] : MATK +50%
2020-05-02 05:27 description Mystical Amplification
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Form: Supportive
Description: Amplify the Magic Attack Power
of the next magic skill that is cast.

[Lv 1]: Matk +5%
[Lv 2]: Matk +10%
[Lv 3]: Matk +15%
[Lv 4]: Matk +20%
[Lv 5]: Matk +25%
[Lv 6]: Matk +30%
[Lv 7]: Matk +35%
[Lv 8]: Matk +40%
[Lv 9]: Matk +45%
[Lv 10]: Matk +50%
Mystical Amplification
MAX Lv : 10
Skill Form : Active
Type : Buff
Target: Caster Only
Description : Amplifies the magic power of the next skill for 30 seconds or until the next skill is used.
[Level 1] : MATK +5%
[Level 2] : MATK +10%
[Level 3] : MATK +15%
[Level 4] : MATK +20%
[Level 5] : MATK +25%
[Level 6] : MATK +30%
[Level 7] : MATK +35%
[Level 8] : MATK +40%
[Level 9] : MATK +45%
[Level 10] : MATK +50%
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.