Lvl Name Health Attack MATK Exp Job Exp Race Element Scale Def MDef Req. Hit Req. Flee Type
200 [PH] Monster Name 10 1,880 - 2,680 385 - 475 0 0 Brute Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 480 450 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 10 1,880 - 2,680 385 - 475 0 0 Brute Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 480 450 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 10 1,880 - 2,680 385 - 475 0 0 Brute Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 480 450 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 10 200 - 200 200 - 200 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 400 370 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 10 200 - 200 200 - 200 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 400 370 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 10 200 - 200 200 - 200 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 400 370 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 10 200 - 200 200 - 200 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 400 370 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 10 200 - 200 200 - 200 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 400 370 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 1,000,000 3,520 - 5,120 1,580 - 2,660 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Medium 350 80 520 490 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 1,000,000 3,360 - 4,880 1,650 - 2,790 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Medium 400 100 520 490 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 1,000,000 2,720 - 3,920 1,930 - 3,310 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Medium 300 150 520 490 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 1,000,000 3,200 - 4,640 1,510 - 2,530 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Medium 300 60 520 490 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 1,000,000 3,760 - 5,480 1,370 - 2,270 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Medium 320 70 520 490 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 1,000,000 3,920 - 5,720 1,229 - 2,010 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 300 50 520 490 Normal
200 [PH] Monster Name 1,000,000 2,320 - 3,320 1,720 - 2,920 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 200 150 520 490 Normal
200 초월체 히멜메즈 2,000,000,000 6,943 - 10,191 1,043 - 1,642 0 0 Angel Holy 3 Large 288 501 566 528 Boss
201 Smile Giver 3,811,137 4,168 - 6,057 1,592 - 2,669 0 0 Angel Holy 3 Medium 372 78 509 509 Boss
201 Horror of Thanatos 3,807,368 5,159 - 7,520 1,207 - 1,988 0 0 Demon Poison 4 Small 297 75 577 541 Boss
202 Happiness Giver 3,827,826 4,696 - 6,837 1,838 - 3,107 0 0 Angel Wind 4 Small 328 80 543 559 Normal
202 Regret of Thanatos 3,831,613 3,763 - 5,460 1,943 - 3,292 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Large 403 81 505 518 Boss
202 Sorrow of Thanatoss 3,834,643 4,123 - 5,992 2,162 - 3,681 0 0 Undead Ghost 4 Medium 463 83 589 570 Boss
202 Thanatos' Agony 3,830,553 3,912 - 5,679 1,380 - 2,293 0 0 Undead Ghost 4 Small 382 77 482 432 Boss
203 Anger of Thanatos 3,845,405 5,592 - 8,160 1,219 - 2,006 0 0 Demon Fire 4 Large 302 76 514 551 Boss
203 Thanatos' Despair 3,850,734 4,420 - 6,429 1,291 - 2,136 0 0 Undead Ghost 4 Large 407 76 567 540 Boss
203 Observation 3,848,907 3,760 - 5,455 1,606 - 2,693 0 0 Angel Neutral 4 Medium 371 79 511 555 Boss
204 Pray Giver 3,869,550 3,992 - 5,797 1,960 - 3,323 0 0 Angel Holy 3 Medium 405 82 568 544 Boss
204 Hatred of Thanatos 3,864,195 5,768 - 8,420 1,340 - 2,221 0 0 Undead Ghost 4 Large 300 77 572 551 Boss
205 Agent Retribution 3,888,057 3,731 - 5,412 1,346 - 2,231 0 0 Angel Dark 3 Medium 397 77 567 519 Boss
205 Resentment of Thanatos 3,883,906 4,010 - 5,825 1,249 - 2,060 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Medium 297 77 581 545 Boss
210 Unknown #20784 442,473,071 6,370 - 9,310 2,218 - 3,781 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Large 390 86 518 576 Boss
210 Broken Memory of Thanatos 441,773,071 5,270 - 7,685 1,430 - 2,379 0 0 Demon Neutral 1 Medium 270 79 578 547 Boss
210 Midnight Arhi 2,000,000,000 4,260 - 6,260 2,360 - 4,160 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 64 38 460 510 Normal
210 Midnight Dio Anemos 2,000,000,000 4,250 - 6,250 2,390 - 4,190 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 129 18 450 510 Normal
210 Midnight Geffen Shoplif 2,000,000,000 4,280 - 6,280 2,350 - 4,150 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 93 36 480 520 Normal
210 Midnight Geffen Bully 2,000,000,000 4,280 - 6,280 2,350 - 4,150 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 93 36 460 520 Normal
210 Midnight Geffen Gangste 2,000,000,000 4,270 - 6,270 2,340 - 4,140 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 93 36 490 520 Normal
210 Midnight Faymont 2,000,000,000 4,270 - 6,270 2,370 - 4,170 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 114 21 470 520 Normal
210 Midnight Ordre 2,000,000,000 4,250 - 6,250 2,410 - 4,210 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 107 21 480 530 Normal
210 Midnight Blut Hase 2,000,000,000 4,330 - 6,330 2,360 - 4,160 0 0 Human Ghost 2 Medium 66 47 530 530 Normal
210 Midnight Kuro Akuma 2,000,000,000 4,310 - 6,310 2,410 - 4,210 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 135 10 510 525 Normal
210 Midnight Ifodes 2,000,000,000 4,360 - 6,360 2,360 - 4,160 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 120 60 510 550 Normal
210 Midnight Licheniyes 2,000,000,000 4,260 - 6,260 2,510 - 4,310 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 140 57 510 600 Normal
210 Midnight Odoric 2,000,000,000 4,410 - 6,410 2,360 - 4,160 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 165 62 560 550 Normal
210 Midnight Dwigh 2,000,000,000 4,260 - 6,260 2,560 - 4,360 0 0 Human Ghost 2 Medium 175 65 510 600 Boss
210 Midnight Fay Kanavian 2,000,000,000 4,260 - 6,260 2,560 - 4,360 0 0 Human Ghost 2 Medium 175 65 510 600 Boss
210 Midnight Alphonse 2,000,000,000 4,310 - 6,310 2,360 - 4,160 0 0 Human Earth 2 Medium 100 20 510 550 Normal
210 Midnight Fenrir 2,000,000,000 4,410 - 6,410 2,510 - 4,310 0 0 Human Ghost 2 Medium 200 70 510 600 Boss
210 상급 여신의 수호자 5,000,000 5,240 - 7,640 2,190 - 3,690 0 0 Human Holy 2 Medium 503 122 610 610 Normal
210 상급 별장지기 5,000,000 5,210 - 7,610 2,120 - 3,620 0 0 Human Neutral 2 Medium 146 27 590 630 Normal
210 개조된 하트헌터 4,807,050 8,376 - 12,327 947 - 1,490 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 216 149 549 664 Normal
210 아퀼라 500,000,000 5,090 - 7,490 990 - 1,590 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 456 112 490 460 Boss
211 나뉘어진 르간 4,815,450 6,908 - 10,211 991 - 1,570 0 0 Formless Poison 2 Medium 195 186 496 589 Normal
213 겁먹은 르간 5,305,150 6,455 - 9,526 995 - 1,568 0 0 Formless Earth 1 Medium 200 191 505 606 Normal
213 광포한 르간 6,896,695 8,327 - 12,320 1,229 - 1,974 0 0 Formless Earth 2 Medium 260 248 532 672 Normal
215 몬스터 융케아 72,847,380 7,246 - 10,682 981 - 1,551 0 0 Human Poison 4 Large 339 196 506 762 Normal
215 궁극의 라스간드 62,647,916 8,857 - 13,138 986 - 1,579 0 0 Undead Poison 1 Large 252 135 481 460 Boss
215 Icewind Egg 6,951,869 5,434 - 8,003 1,389 - 2,324 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 300 161 484 465 Normal
215 요르문간드 가디언 12,636,609 4,980 - 7,329 1,258 - 2,095 0 0 Demon Poison 2 Small 288 153 470 450 Normal
215 요르문간드 가디언 12,640,341 4,737 - 6,955 1,311 - 2,178 0 0 Demon Ghost 2 Small 302 162 485 468 Normal
215 르간 주술사 12,641,420 4,634 - 6,799 1,314 - 2,179 0 0 Formless Wind 2 Medium 306 165 490 473 Normal
215 하트헌터 13,798,920 4,606 - 6,766 1,200 - 1,983 0 0 Human Neutral 1 Medium 291 155 473 453 Normal
220 꼬꼬뽀 10 1,902 - 2,702 407 - 497 0 0 Brute Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 502 472 Normal
220 수상한 보관석 1 220 - 220 220 - 220 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 420 390 Boss
220 [PH] Monster Name 1 220 - 220 220 - 220 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 420 390 Boss
220 [PH] Monster Name 10 1,902 - 2,702 407 - 497 0 0 Brute Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 502 472 Normal
220 [PH] Monster Name 10 1,902 - 2,702 407 - 497 0 0 Brute Neutral 1 Medium 0 0 502 472 Normal
222 Jormungandr Guardian-P 18,988,110 9,319 - 13,814 1,602 - 2,727 0 0 Demon Poison 2 Small 341 130 513 485 Normal
222 Jormungandr Guardian-Y 17,847,680 5,873 - 8,658 2,328 - 4,025 0 0 Demon Ghost 2 Small 229 230 512 504 Normal
224 슐랑 2,000,000,000 7,076 - 10,373 1,106 - 1,737 0 0 Demon Ghost 2 Medium 217 70 602 564 Boss
224 Twisted God 2,000,000,000 7,076 - 10,373 1,106 - 1,737 0 0 Angel Holy 2 Medium 314 520 602 564 Boss
229 Illusion Watcher 4,305,000 3,148 - 4,530 1,337 - 2,158 0 0 Demon Dark 4 Small 71 66 464 549 Boss
229 Illusion Watcher 4,305,000 3,012 - 4,326 1,348 - 2,179 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Small 71 66 464 549 Boss
229 Illusion Watcher 4,305,000 2,998 - 4,305 1,347 - 2,178 0 0 Demon Dark 4 Small 71 66 464 549 Boss
230 Mimic of illusion 123,850 679 - 879 455 - 635 0 0 Demon Neutral 3 Medium 63 15 550 618 Boss
230 수상한 보관석 1 230 - 230 230 - 230 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 430 400 Boss
230 [PH] Monster Name 1 230 - 230 230 - 230 0 0 Formless Neutral 1 Small 0 0 430 400 Boss
239 환영의 나흐트지거 61,500,000 7,782 - 11,363 5,230 - 9,131 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Large 410 40 559 726 Boss
239 환영의 마검사 타나토스 78,908,090 7,167 - 10,532 5,224 - 9,347 0 0 Demon Ghost 4 Large 364 35 697 656 Boss
240 Welcome Orc Hero 66,789,000 6,174 - 9,045 3,536 - 6,239 0 0 Human Earth 2 Large 197 70 604 698 Boss
240 Illusion Lord Knight 57,564,000 6,712 - 9,797 4,216 - 7,437 0 0 Human Fire 4 Medium 567 155 770 844 Boss
240 Whitesmith of the Illus 48,512,500 6,176 - 9,007 5,018 - 8,991 0 0 Human Earth 4 Medium 301 106 736 942 Boss
240 Illusion Assassin Cross 52,029,000 6,676 - 9,789 4,953 - 8,850 0 0 Human Poison 4 Medium 445 95 778 748 Boss
240 High Wizard of Illusion 55,350,000 6,587 - 9,678 5,063 - 8,996 0 0 Human Ghost 3 Medium 215 555 820 709 Boss
240 High Priest of Illusion 59,040,000 6,425 - 9,432 4,497 - 7,972 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 231 349 740 643 Boss
240 환영의 엔트바이엔크놋헨 73,815,375 5,240 - 7,650 4,619 - 8,100 0 0 Demon Dark 4 Medium 171 66 580 866 Boss
240 환영의 RSX-0806 61,561,500 7,558 - 11,064 4,735 - 8,370 0 0 Formless Neutral 3 Large 317 96 726 806 Boss
240 환영의 귀염둥이 64,575,000 5,954 - 8,651 4,298 - 7,709 0 0 Brute Dark 3 Large 220 150 580 650 Boss
240 환영의 스나이퍼 50,922,000 5,905 - 8,562 2,755 - 4,684 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 178 135 698 874 Boss
240 환영의 팔라딘 68,700,000 6,703 - 9,789 4,254 - 7,521 0 0 Human Holy 4 Medium 667 151 750 675 Boss
240 환영의 크리에이터 52,029,000 6,458 - 9,409 6,187 - 10,993 0 0 Human Fire 4 Medium 253 113 790 647 Boss
240 환영의 집시 58,414,170 6,439 - 9,372 5,450 - 9,731 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 181 112 687 643 Boss
240 환영의 각성 페르 79,751,570 6,646 - 9,649 5,568 - 9,793 0 0 Demon Undead 3 Large 200 68 640 630 Boss
240 환영의 여왕 스카라바 79,231,680 6,427 - 9,420 5,688 - 10,103 0 0 Insect Earth 3 Large 350 220 636 621 Boss
240 환영의 타임홀더 61,500,000 7,628 - 11,210 5,794 - 10,335 0 0 Demon Neutral 4 Large 288 265 744 812 Boss
240 환영의 원령무사 65,411,500 7,010 - 10,250 3,879 - 6,886 0 0 Human Dark 3 Large 396 140 762 782 Boss
240 환영의 타니 아가씨 78,560,000 7,588 - 11,177 5,139 - 9,132 0 0 Plant Wind 3 Large 241 104 656 650 Boss
240 환영의 프로페서 54,655,978 6,518 - 9,493 4,909 - 8,646 0 0 Human Ghost 3 Medium 201 543 588 677 Boss
240 환영의 챔피언 52,267,005 6,769 - 9,854 4,046 - 7,223 0 0 Demon Water 4 Medium 216 134 770 708 Boss
240 환영의 크로운 51,849,429 6,670 - 9,775 5,491 - 9,810 0 0 Human Wind 4 Medium 201 109 762 680 Boss
240 환영의 스토커 49,904,531 6,099 - 8,920 4,679 - 8,398 0 0 Demon Poison 4 Medium 251 107 755 743 Boss
Ghostring Card 1 obtained.